Silica Drastically Reduces Aluminium Levels.


Silica is known to reduce aluminum levels drastically in the body.

It does this is by binding with molecules and extracting them out of our brain cells then excreated via urine.

Water is high in silicic acid and has a positive effect on autistic children.

Aluminum levels showed they were lower in children by 50 to 70 percent who drank silica water.

Studies conducted on people who had Alzheimer’s disease, showed after 13 weeks of drinking silica water, they found the same results.

In the Alzheimers patients, 8 out of 15 no longer showed neurological deterioration and 3 showed a substantial cognitive increase.

Diatomaceous earth is a great source of silica.
It is made up mainly of millions of tiny, fossilized aquatic microorganism called diatoms, from here it is ground into a fine, white powder.

Besides DE having metal detoxification benefits, it also chelates other heavy metals and helps with our health providing us with more energy.

High amounts of silica can be found in natural occuring foods such as bananas, cucumbers, bentonite clay, and horsetail herb.

So it is suggested to add at least one of the following nutritional substances to your diet every day!

These foods have the ability to detox our bodies from metals and are also neuro protectants and immune system boosters:

cold pressed organic coconut oil
chia and flaxseeds
milk thistles
vitamin C (and foods rich in this vitamin)
spirulina and chlorella
foods such as cilantro, garlic and parsley which help eliminate metals such as aluminum and mercury from our bodies
fresh, filtered water (and plenty of it!) it also very important.

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