I'm sorry for being grumpy.

Most reading this won't even be aware I had been grumpy. But yes, DRutter occasionally gets in a bad mood, believe it or not. :P

Prohibition directly impacts my life, hurts @MediKatie, and works against everything I do as an activist. So when "legalization" was announced here in Canada recently, and it is Prohibition 2.0 just as I had predicted for years, it has been pretty depressing.

Think about the thing that matters most to you in your life. Imagine it pretty much IS your life. Now, imagine that thing being stabbed in the heart right in front of you. That's how I feel as a Canadian cannactivist right now. Years of PAYING to volunteer to fight back on the street level against bad laws, getting assaulted by cops, getting told to get a job, doing some of the most important work there is to be done.... Suddenly deleted and made illegal and swept under the rug, so that rich old dudes can get even richer.

The apology

I've been short with some people, I've been a little more negative in my posts than I want to, and I've probably pissed a few Steemians off. I'm sorry for that.

My illness and the recent bad news about "legalization" are no excuse.

Here's a peace leaf.

leaf of peace.jpg

Thanks for being part of my Steemit experience! I'll eventually get over this setback, and find my groove again, and carry on fighting the evils of cannabis prohibition.

PS: This image is banned on FaceBook now. Anywhere cannabis isn't fully legal (such as Canada), you can't post images of any part of the plant - not even for educational purposes. That's messed up. I hope Steemit doesn't continue following FaceBook's lead!

#freetheweed #noprisonforplants #illegallyhealing

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