Run Your Own Race

Many people let negative words or other people's opinions totally ruin their lives. They live to please other people and honestly think that they can be happy by trying to keep everyone else happy. They don't want anybody to say a negative word about them.
That's simply impossible. You have to accept the fact that not everybody is going to like you,not everybody is going to accept you,and you certainly cannot keep everybody happy. Some people will find fault, no matter what you do.images (1).jpeg
I don't have time to sit around thinking about all the people who don't like me. I realize that every day is a gift from God, and my time is too valuable to waste it trying to please everybody. No,I've accepted the fact that not everybody is going to like me and not everybody is going to understand me. You don't have to try to explain yourself. Don't spend time trying to win over your critics;just run your own race.unnamed.gif
Some people spend more time focused on what other people are saying about than then they do thinking about their own dreams and goals. But understand that if you're going to do anything great in life, whether you want to be a great teacher,a successful businessperson, or a champion athlete. Not everybody is going to be your cheerleader. Not everybody is going be excited about your dreams. In fact,some people are going to be downright jealous. They will find fault and criticize.
One thing that I'm good at is staying focused. I don't allow what people are saying to distract me. This truth really helped to set me free. There was a time in my life when I wanted everybody to like me. If I heard one negative comment, i thought, Oh, no. I've failed. What have I done wrong ?images (2).jpeg
One day I realized it's impossible for everybody to like me. Run your race don't look on what people are going to say,keep pushing forward.

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