Learning To Like Yourself, The Key To A Better Life

We all have areas that we need to improve, but as long as we're pressing forward,getting up each day and doing our very best, we can be assured that God is pleased with us. He may not be pleased with every decision we make, but he is pleased with us. He wants us to be secure and to have healthy self- images, but so many people focus on their faults and weaknesses. When they make mistakes, which is bad,they're extremely critical of themselves. They live with that nagging feeling that chides,“You're not what you're supposed to be. You don't measure up. You've blown it too many times
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One of the worst things you could do is to go through life being against yourself.
This is a major problem today. Many people have a war going on inside themselves. They don't really like who that are.
“Well, I'm slow, I'm undisciplined, I'm unattractive, and I'm not as smart as other people”
They focus on their weaknesses, not realizing that this negative introspection is a root cause of many of their difficulties. They can't get along in relationships, they're insecure, they don't enjoy their life, and it's largely because they're not at Peace with who they are IMG_20180513_185228_170.JPG
Jesus said “Love your neighbor as yourself ”
The prerequisite to loving others is to love yourself. If you don't have a healthy respect for who you are, and if you don't learn to accept yourself faults and all, you will never be able to properly love other people.
So my point is that to succeed in this life,loving yourself is one of the key to a better life.

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