On Taking Accountability

It is quite easy to play the victim.

I guess this is a common response to self-preservation, wanting one's self to be painted in a positive light at all times. We tend to create a reality of our own, at times even seeing things as if everyone and everything is conspiring against us.

This is also the easy way out in managing challenging situations, or making sense of things we don't fully understand.

Note to self: whenever thoughts go this route, make a conscious effort to stop and take accountability.

Realize that we are responsible for our own emotions and our own interpretation of things. Recognize that our reaction to things is our own undoing.

No matter how many different scenarios or possibilities we think of in our head, no matter how many times we rerun the past events in our mind, the past is just that- past. Nothing short of a time-machine can change that.

What we can influence on is the NOW and the future. We can use the past experiences to evaluate ourselves, understand what worked best for us and acknowledge our short-comings and opportunities for improvement. The past could work best as a learning tool, source of inspiration in some cases, but nothing more.

Stop playing the blame-game in your head! After all, there are at least two sides to every story. Continuously allowing impure thoughts nurtures mental-health toxicity, and this diminishes our beauty, both externally and within.

Look away from negativity and bring the focus back on things you can control. No matter how one tries to influence or at times insist on getting certain things from others, accept that this is not within your control. You only have full reign of yourself, so just be the best you.

It is quite easy to play the victim, but it is easier to carry with you a light heart and a peaceful mind.

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