The SEED of EVIL with a mask on

Devilish acts, illegalities and immoralities has been the recent norms of life. Money, they say money is the root of all evil, but we all seems not to be taking cognizance of another crucial part of the tree regarded as EVIL, we seems to be less bothered about the effect and greater part of the tree known as HUNGER I will regard hunger as the seed of evil.



Hunger can be described as a craving or urgent need for food or a specific nutrient; an uneasy sensation leading to desperation caused by lack of food.
If you have ever experienced hunger, then you will agree that hunger and money are like the root (sustainer) and seed (initiator) in the tree called EVIL.

A hungry man is always an angry man and an angry man will surely be ruthless and crazy in his decisions (let's say mad). When hungry, there are about 1001 evil thoughts that are been initiated in ones mind , when the desire to eat becomes stronger , then the evil thoughts will multiply geometrically due to desperation, making the hungry man ending in what he doesn't desire.

We always hear on news about different cases of hungry criminals, people stealing, killing, just to get to feed themselves or families an example as seen below is a video of a woman who had to steal just to feed her baby gotten this video was gotten from YouTube.

Here are some facts about hunger:

  • 11.3% of the world population is hungry, that's roughly 805 million people in the world.

  • In 2010, an estimate of 7.6 million children, more than 20,000 a day died and hunger is said to cause more than half of these deaths.

  • Almost 1 in every 15 children dies before attaining age of 5 and hunger accounts for most cases of such deaths.

  • while hunger exists worldwide 526 million people lives in Asia.

  • 1 in 4 people in Saharan Africa is chronically hungry.

  • Women in hunger are deficient of basic nutrients (like iron) that 315,000 dies during child birth from hemorrhaging every year.


Which other evil could be more than this cause on the universe we live in?


Let's all imagine a world where there won't be need for anyone to beg to eat or experience hell and distress before getting a meal on his table, it gets worse when a family is involved in hunger then the head of such families will have more evil thoughts attached with him, A world free of hunger will have less evil acts because a less hungry man will think **twice** before engaging evil act.

Money which is known as the root and another part of the tree may carry covetousness which leads to immoralities, corruption, and other similar evil doings but the person involved in this will have all his/her senses working well when involved in them, unlike in the case of an hungry man, so we really need to tackle the hunger aspect and there and then, the change will begin.

In conclusion, I will look forward to a nation free of hunger, the only hunger will be will be for peace, unity, development, progress and love with smile in everybody's face.

I really look forward to a green nation, where hunger is been frowned at...😃 ![image](


It has been nice having you around here


Thanks to @jodipamungkas and @gbenga for this beautiful barge.

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