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how important are the parents in our lives

Undoubtedly for all, our parents are the most important people in the world; we can sometimes get angry with them, argue or even disagree with their way of educating us, but something very certain is what we would do without them?
At some point in our lives we came to think that our parents were too demanding, and they did not allow us to live our lives as we wanted them to, and even that we could not make our own decisions and our own risks.

The love of parents does not compare with anything, at some stage of our lives we come to realize that and for some it is already too late.

  1. Show them how much you love them: That beautiful word "I love you" but that sometimes costs us so much to say, is something they always want to hear; if you have them nearby, give them a big hug and tell them how much you love them, if they are not so close to you, when you have contact with them, do not waste time and have them know with a "I love you dad" or "I love you mom", " I miss you and I would like to have you near. "

  2. Share your time with them: We all have a complicated life and probably time does not overtake us, but when will you have time for them? When they are no longer there and you need them? Enjoy them whenever you have the opportunity to share time with them, it does not matter if they are 30 minutes or hours, the important thing is for them to know that you are there to pay attention.

  3. Have a good conversation: Visualize the experience of sitting next to your dad or mom and talking about everything they want: it could be since they were little, or why not? things that have never been said, some claim, resentment, in short everything you want and have to say, will be something unforgettable will undoubtedly end with a big hug and a "I love you".

  4. Listen to them and teach them: For those who already have older parents, this part is important, since over time older people become like children, so let's enjoy them; never see them as a burden, just remember that they always took care of you, listen to them, it does not matter if they tell you the same thing 10 times, and if you have the opportunity, show them the things they want, they may not remember it as much anymore, but you never you will forget his grateful smile.
    Things to do with them there are many, it is important to give us the opportunity to be by their side, to share with them as much time as possible, listen to them and, most importantly, never forget that thanks to them we are in this world and the gratitude for having given us life has to be infinite. And even more when you only have your mother who has given everything for you and has gone ahead as mother and father at the same time is very great ability to do so.

May God continue to bless them, is the greatest creation that has made us give wonderful parents and with the best education and thus be good parents for our children.

                               YOU ARE MY WORLD I LOVE YOU 

