Rohingya, Portrait of Aceh in the Past

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Hi Steemians. Good night.

Almost a month ago, the international mass media discussed about humanitarian disaster in Myanmar. Human rights violations or genocide that are affecting Rohingyas in Myanmar.

This situation made Aceh grieve. Not because they are both Muslim, but the situation of the Rohingyas is a portrait of Aceh's past.

Aceh had experienced the same fate as Rohingya.

Conflict and martial law that had been enacted in Aceh in the past, is exactly like the current Rohingya ethnicity.

Where, women who live at home suffered unfortunate fate. While the men must go so as not to get killed.

The suffering suffered by the Rohingya ethnic is a grief for the people of Aceh.

Seeing violence in Myanmar seemed to see Aceh's life before 2005.

As the people of Aceh, who have experienced the fate of Rohingya, I hope international institutions can act and ask the military of Myanmar to stop committing human rights violations against Rohingyas.

You do not have to be a Muslim to grieve over the humanitarian tragedy that struck the Rohingyas. You just need to be a human being, who has a heart and a sense of compassion towards fellow human beings.

Regards @dondanny.

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