If you want a green world for your children, teach them to recycle.

If you want a green world for your children, teach them to recycle.


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To teach children to recycle different materials, we initially teach them to clean them of other substances and materials. Each material requires a kind of different preparation and a particular way of classifying it in different containers.

Types of containers to recycle responsibly

Recycling begins with the separation of waste at home to deposit them in the containers provided. These are differentiated by colors:

-Green: for glass containers.

-Yellow: for plastic containers and cans.

-Blue: for paper and cardboard.

In addition to these containers, there are others which are regulated by city councils, called collection points. In them, hazardous waste, are deposited for example: batteries, oils, household appliances and debris.

How to teach to recycle various materials to children?

• Fabrics. Recycled fabric, there are a number of basic rules:
Old clothes are going to donate must be clean, sewn and ironed.

• The pieces of fabric to make rags, regardless of their size, should be clean.

• Remove buttons, zippers and other decorations that may have fabrics.


To be able to recycle plastic material, it must be classified by families. They can be whole or broken parts and they must be clean before depositing them.

-Check the type of plastic, before taking it to the container.


The glass must be completely clean.

• Must be classified by colors: green, amber and transparent.

• Eliminate other components such as threads, washers, tags or tapas.

• Please note that some bottles are "returnable", i.e., that they can be submitted again.


Paper and cardboard.

• Paper and carton must be packed and tied down, and it should not be wet or creased.

• Classify the paper according to its type: newspaper, paper, office, computer, cardboard, carton, etc.

• Do not break the role, or don't.pile.it.up it. -Separated out, the role and the other carton

• It should not include paper carbon or cellophane.


• Whenever possible, aluminum and steel cans should be compressed.

• The classification must be in metal (copper, aluminum, steel, iron).

• The materials must contain only metals, trying to loosen paper or labels.

• In the case of aluminium, it should say: recyclable aluminium. The international recycling symbol.

• Aluminium must be compacted: for 1 kg. approximately 60 cans are needed.

Teaching your kids to recycle they will understand that they are also responsible for the care of the planet.

Greetings and blessings.

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