2 Things that 'I Need' for My Startup and Why Steemit Should Support my Endeavors


I know that one or two touches of a big whale can make a big difference in my life right now, and to those around me someday. Oh don't get me wrong, this is not a plea nor a desperate attempt to change how things are on Steemit these days. I'm not that type. Not an attempt to be classy somewhat, perhaps just a classy human being who needs some classy support from time to time too, if not in the real world, at least in this world that I've grown to love more, Steemit world. I'm just the type who continuously and persistently write for this community without a care, for more than a year now, not that it matters to most. Not that I'm uber talented or popular around here that my Steemit existence would even matter. Not that I need to explain myself further.

I confess that I have been diabolic to some big followers that I don't deserve their upvotes anymore. The righteous punishment has already been made clear to me. The popular crowd doesn't buy what I write, not that I wish for that anyway. Not that I wish I could preach all that positivity topics, arts, and crafts, cryptocurrency analysis, Steemit typical rants and such, or go out of my way to appeal to Steemit masses by commenting, being actively in chatrooms or 'being out there'. But then again, I will not apologize for how I write. Steemit is the only place that I can be totally myself without apologies. I can write down my life and all my thoughts without limitations. But as always, being yourself has its price.

Yesterday I have been thinking about the two important things that I need in order to progress greatly in my startup endeavors. Coordinating with independent contractors in town can be quite challenging as it is now without my own mode of transportation. I love my bicycle so much and I use it mostly to leisurely bike up to the nearby beach, to keep my sanity and somehow ease the pain of isolation and social failure. However, it is not something I can use to regularly go down to the town fast enough with all the uphills and downhills along the way. Public transportation is quite limited too. A service provider finally suggested for me to get a motorbike or a scooter to make our future coordinations way easier. I can't afford to hire an assistant or a runner yet to do things for me so it does make sense to have my own transport to be able to do things on my own, for now. It makes sense to have your own transport, doesn't it? Ok, I am not in Thailand nor in Thai traffic, but this is just the most efficient way to get around in the island, or any other island destinations in the world you visit, whether Bermuda or Fiji. It is not something I will wish out of luxury, it is a need.

Recently, I had to take a big chunk out of my Bitcoin savings for my mum's death so a motorbike is not something I could buy in cash now. Mind you, I also have food and rent to worry about. Looming uncertainties can make one go insane but that's just the risk one can take in exchange for a complete life overhaul. Not for the faint of heart, I suppose. There's the 'financing' option which will take up to 3 years just to pay $1300 with interests and all, that is still subject to approval by the motor company. Hopefully, they'll believe that the business will boom. I know it is not a lot for most to even pay for it monthly. The amount is probably just the cost of your rent or something. And it seems that it is a lot of money here on Steemit, and I am not even getting 5% of that on a post lately. I just wonder where all the money in the Steemit rewards pool is getting burned these days? Honestly, I've never really wanted a loan, debt or anything similar to a mortgage, that's why I'm trying my best to bootstrap or finance my own startup. I'd rather buy my transport in cash if I have the choice or I'd probably have it paid in 6 months or something. Or I'd pay it in the least amount possible until I could finally afford to pay it all in cash.

Lately, I'm also finding it hard to get proper photos for my website as even the partner agencies don't have what I need. Some of them have just gotten the stock photos somewhere. You all know that I don't want to be just as mediocre. I figure that I need to portray the right kind of image on my cover, something that I give, and it's not material. Most of the agencies here will put a photo of the iconic spot and that's about it. I actually want happy and diverse people in it. Travelers enjoying the place and the whole experience together, looking like it's not only about the place, but the goodness of the moment. That's what I want to portray right when you land on my website. Proper photos require me to be at the sights with a proper camera. I know I'll get proper photos later on but it is just hard without ones, to begin with. I've thought a proper camera is just a luxury but now I realize it is not. The cheapest proper camera is like $400, again it is not a lot for some. That is the Nikon D3400, a noob's DSLR camera, probably enough to take high-res photos and enough to look like I'm really taking my business seriously. I guess it is better to buy one than hire a photographer every time. I'll weigh my options. I don't have a traditional office or agency or a huge overhead costs, so the least I can have is a proper camera.

Those are just the two things that I need at the moment and I'll call it an investment. I've already given whatever I have for this venture and I have no regrets. I'll probably give more of what I have just to see it come to fruition. Now if only Bitcoin and Steem are going to the moon soon enough... problem solved big time.

Wondering why everything is taking so slow? For one, I only have one body. Every day I try to do what is supposedly done by a team. The fact that I couldn't even afford the things that I need is the main reason why I am doing everything on my own. Every day I am learning something new. I thank the universe for whatever knowledge I have gained and most importantly, to my unwavering persistence. I am surprised myself that I haven't given up on something to this day, that means that's how badly I want it. My mum's death also gave me the motivation to make something big happen, for her and my remaining loved ones. For myself. For others.

Finally, here's the reason why Steemit should support my startup endeavors, the community will benefit from my own success. That is the idea, isn't it? Here's the thing, I'm not aiming for something just to get by every day. I'm done with "just to get by" at this point in my life. I perfectly understand that elite success requires pain, deprivation, and sacrifice. Right from the beginning, I made a promise to give back to the Steemit community. And that I'll turn some of my profits to Steem Power so I could support talented writers and contributors, and hopefully, my upvote will no longer be cents worth anymore. Promising, isn't it? I had enough of doubters and negativity in real life. I definitely want Steemit to stay because it has been such a life-changing experience and a great help in all my ambitious goals. I want Steemit to be the witness to how everything will turn out and how everything should be. Someday I want to give back to my own community as well, to help those in need. Someday I want to look back, that at some point in my life, I was in need.

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