Never say "No"; The Multiverse never understood, understood or will understand (Part I)

Translation of my post Original in Spanish Jamás digas "No"; El Multiverso nunca lo entendió, lo entiende ni lo entenderá (Parte I)

Translated with Google Translate

_This my first day without you (Part I) _

I was born in Cyprus, Nicosia, in 2711, on February 29. When I was about three years old my parents on a work mission were assigned to return to their time-space of origin, which was 29,000,000,000 BC, or rather before our present era, more or less. My dearest parents were not from this era, not even from this planet; well at least my mom; my dad was relatively from this planet, shall we say. My mom had come from another dimension from which to reach this planet had to go through an existing portal on the moon, which would have been just 23 hours before what would be the full moon (full moon if seen from Earth) , just 11 degrees from the Orion constellation. As you can imagine it was not easy to travel for mom, with such exact conditions. Instead, my dad was a simple failed scientific experiment, let's say, mom's colleagues.

My dad after being built and trained until reaching an age of almost total physical maturity. Before beginning to perform actions of similar species, he showed his creators high levels of reason and understanding greater than expected. These beings were dedicated as an experiment to study it carefully, but they made a very serious mistake: explain the most basic things of the multiverse.

One night when everyone was busy debating how this "experiment" had capabilities that other similar fertilized experiments had never shown, something unexpected happened. During this exciting debate, my dad, with the extremely basic knowledge he possessed, escaped his confinement. When he left the place where he was imprisoned, he ran as much as he could, as much as his legs allowed him, each step was a new experience outside that place, where they referred to him as "Exo 272819". Brown skin, something pale, did not know the sun, well fed enough not to be fat, could not complain ate daily, the same food, but at least ate, round eyes and black hair, broad nose and shoulders, lips, eyebrows and thick fingers with big hands, a true, surprising and quick understanding, with an interesting ability to build things and solve problems, with rudimentary materials. What I facilitate him, that while all the beings You are like they used to refer to themselves, beings that he could not describe, since whenever they approached him there was too much light that blinded him. When they were distracted he could make an exit. He ran until he came to a place that seemed to be under construction, there were huge machines and strange beings calculating where they would put the trees, where the streams would be and what they would do with holes that began to come out everywhere, of different sizes and backgrounds. They solved it, converting some into wells and others into lagoons, these beings of great intelligence still did not understand how those holes were formed or why.

My dad hid in a large bush that aspired to be a tree, and he stood staring at the full moon with an almost perfect circumference. The next night would be a full moon properly, (full moon seen from Earth). Suddenly, with great astonishment, he saw a ball of light entering the atmosphere, passing by so quickly that it seemed that a ball of light was coming out, "a comet" he thought. Just when it seemed that it would hide behind a mountain, it stopped in its tracks, the light, became more powerful and bright, everything was white, as quickly as it turned all white, it disappeared. Everything for my dad seemed to be in a deep and absolute darkness until his eyes began to get used to her again. He saw how a creature descended in the darkness, when he saw it he was surprised, it was very similar to him, this creature, but somehow he managed to rise through the heavens, just over the place from which he had gladly escaped.

Author: "@ Depq"

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