A Prize for Human Stupidity

Translation of my post Original in Spanish Un Premio a la Estupidez Humana

Yes, yes, I know we live in the 21st century and people are becoming more and more absurd; they create it or there is no *Honorary* award, which is given to human stupidity. By this I do not mean the billarboard awards, the oscar awards, or emmy, or grammy, nobel or other awards from the academy, or similar characters or anything that begins or ends in awards or prizes.

Well to explain, all this begins in 1809 when a baby known as Charles Robert Darwin is born, who came to hump us the existence ..., but I'm going way back was really from 1859, with the publication of: "The Origin of species through natural selection or conservation of favored breeds in the struggle for life ", abbreviated as the "Origin of Species ", a 230 page essay, as a summary of its evolutionary theory, together with other publications , racists and a macho first. Where he drastically and emphatically ignored the historical facts prior to his existence, cultures erased by brute force, black kings turned into slaves, femicides and more which forced women to repress their ingenuity, or prove it by posing as men, expose their opinions and defend them from that trite and vulgar Euro-centrist society of the 19th century.

His theories were put into question by his own son, George Howard Darwin, who in his research found pros and cons to this theory, for example basic, the fact that man comes from the monkey, if this were the case, the monkey as a species independent of the human, would not exist, because we would be those monkeys.


Caricature of Darwin in the Hornet magazine where he is represented with characteristics of a primate, as a mockery for his evolutionary theory

At certain times he was for and against the religions, until the end of his life believing that all were valid, even if only in a scientific way, since he did not believe in the Bible as a divine revelation, nor Jesus as the son of God, now if I can say that came to hump the existence in biology with Mendel, and in a social space in previous periods and during the world wars and their aftermath.

Personally I think that the origin of life is a massacre between evolutionism, creationism and extraterrestrial creationism, the last two intertwining as one

Well ending the conflicts, social ... Let's what we came.

A prize for human idiocy, yes, exactly, as they read, this is known as The Darwin Awards, which is given in a way! That in 2006 the movie The Darwin Awards starred Winona Ryder and Joseph Fiennes, in addition to several books, already asked Aha !, but what are these blessed awards? I have not seen them on TV or in the media they use.

This in fact is an ironic award that is given to those people who die in an absurd way, or have an absurd accident with serious consequences and that gives the impossibility of leaving offspring, in fact it is a posthumous prize, and what has to do Darwin with all this? Well, his evolutionary theory obviously, well the person dying so absurdly is doing humanity a favor, it is based on the assumption that humanity is making a genetic improvement; eliminating its gene pool in an extraordinary way.
These posthumous awards would surely grant the deaths of "A Thousand Ways to Die."

The requirements to obtain this highly coveted prize are 5:

a- Impossibility of reproduction: the individual must be dead or sterile

b- Excellence: A superhuman lack of good sense

c- Self-selection: Being the object of your own destruction. Example: Launching a pyrotechnic game in the air to scare not to dogs or good ideas that fall and explode in the head of the individual.

d- Maturity: +18 and that is in his right mind.

e- Veracity: the event must be verified

Some examples:

»Juggling with hand grenades (Croatia, 2001) »Leave a lighted cigarette in a warehouse full of explosives (Philippines, 1999) »Jump from an airplane to record parachutists without having put on a parachute (United States, 1987) »Try to get enough light to look through the barrel of a loaded gun using a lighter (United States, 1996), »Try to play Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol that automatically charges the next cartridge in the chamber. »Hit a window and fall trying to prove that the glass was unbreakable.


Author: "@Depq"

Follow me -----> @Depq


Translation of the original writing in Spanish: Un Premio a la Estupidez Humana, @Depq

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