inventor bitcoin demanded USD 140 trillion


inventor bitcoin, craight Wright known dengal aka Satoshi Nakamoto, prosecuted 10 billion dollar (USD 142,8 trillion) because accused of stealing bitcoin owned by the late business partner, David kleiman.

the demands filed by family kleiman through the court in Florida. through the document demands, family kleiman mention that Wright forge document on asset ownership w & K info defense research LLC to the business partner.

in the document suspected has forged, Wright given the right to bitcoin owned kleiman a number of 1,1 million bitcoin, or worth 10 billion dollar (USD 142,8 trillion).

as evidence, brother kleiman, IRA include a copy of email that sent on the 2013. in the letter, Wright admitted that he is holding the most coins owned kleiman.

"Dave mention if you are believed to hold 1 million pieces bitcoin. of these, 300.000 of which are owned by Dave, while 700.000 other yours. properly so," wrote IRA in the email.

"more or less that much, but has not been reduced to the needs of the company," reply Wright on email IRA. to is known, the price 1 pieces bitcoin when this news shown are equivalent 10.564 US dollar (USD 145 million).

based on information obtained from @techspot, Friday (2/3/2018), Wright was called to the court on February 15 ago. but until now he has not been sentenced verdict anything.

for additional information, w & K NFO defense research LLC is a company blokchain pioneered by Wright and kleiman. through the company, they are involved with each other in mining bitcoin.

according to information, Wright and kleiman successfully mine 550.000 and 1,1 million bitcoin. However, in 2013, Klein breath last because complications disease.

respond to charges IRA, a number of observers bitcoin spoke. most of them mention that the demands of the family kleiman unfounded. according to them, Wright never have a lot of digital currency although he himself to create.

given the Wright is one of the Central figure in the creation of currency crypto, this case could have to give a major impact on the company blokchain other. Moreover, if the court to decide if Wright proven guilty.

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