Returning after many months


There's no doubt that writing is a habit. I lost my writing addiction completely. There might be irrefutable reasons by which I could make my heart foolish, but the epilogue is that I was out from one of my passionate hobbies. It's almost a year since I am detached from Hive, the beloved platform which I believe to be my niche for expressing myself, is almost distant to me now.

Many people believe classic writing comes from stress or lament. This might apply to many, but in my instance, it's completely the opposite. I can't write when I am mentally unstable. It would be an iniquity to myself if I acknowledge that I didn't try, but truly I desponded. There are many draft articles which I started and left scrappy.

The year 2022 was quite tough and challenging for me. I should say, it was a frightful chapter of my life that I don't want to recall very often. My beloved niece made her way to the almighty only at the age of 15. It was quite shocking for our entire family. I don't know how this much of a burden will be endured by my sister and brother-in-law.

Two months later another inversion came when our family was just recovering from that deep adversity. My brother-in-law passed away suddenly only at the age of 51. This was too early to go compare to the average lifespan. It is much more difficult to accept for the family members, still we could do nothing but admit. May almighty give strength to my sister and parents to bear these irreparable losses.

There is always light at the end of every tunnel. I strongly believe so. There is some good wink from the start of this year. My daughter has been selected to play at the national level in volleyball. She represented the Dhaka division and went to Jessore to compete with other teams. This is a great achievement for her and I am proud of it.

Finally, after many months I have managed to write few words and feeling quite happy. I would wish to maintain this habit. Thanks everyone, stay blessed.

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