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Let's have a quick Rainbow-side chat shall we? - A few things. Update and what's been going on with me...

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Ok, distractions set aside, music in ears. I’ve wanted to write this for a long time, or rather I’ve started this post about a million times in my head over the past few weeks. I just didn’t know when It was going to finally come out. --Well, here it is, and here we are. Group hug anyone?

I’m not going to waste your time with a saga of a recap, I’m sure you’ve seen me here and there puttering around the blockchain, but I haven’t had my blogging hat on.

I’ve been to the MSPwaves shows, and the live streams, I’m still moderating daily on @Steemhunt, and around on Discord, but over eggs and coffee over the past few weeks we’ve been filling up our brains and subsequently our notebooks with ideas, plans and projects to:

A: help us stay fed

B: help our favorite blockchain grow


So, Here's what we've gotten done in 2019 so far...

+ Made about a ZILLION digital assets and mockups (222, to be exact)

+ 16 fully fleshed out themes

+ A new t-shirt site that accepts STEEM- BEEB.EE 2.0!

+ A live streaming project @teamhumble

+ Courses about the Steam blockchain @teamhumble

+ An Amazon wishlist that allows us to accept ramen as pmt

+ And of course more podcasting <3

In more analog news we’ve been cranking out crispy flaky Roti flatbreads, for about $0.02. Maybe we should put out a video/ e-book about recipes for Bear markets.

I’ve got a stack of client work to get to today, and a few more little things I want to get done, including spending some time in the sun with my Valentine today, even if we’re cleaning, or making more breads or walking to the shop for a bottle of something or other. <3 ;)

I'm still doing yoga whenever it's not raining (and sometimes when it is) as long as it's warm enough to feel my fingers and toes I've been out there doing yoga in the sun again, and I can't tell you how good it's been for me. Yoga with Adriene videos on youtube have been a lifesaver. I can't wait for spring to fully come, bring it on sunshine!

My 30th trip around the sun is rapidly coming to an end and soon I'll be embarking on my 31st. I’ve been thinking about a way to best use my heightened Pisces powers during the next few weeks, but until then, know I’m here, headphones on, clicking and clacking away at plastic keys and trudging through a sea of Zeroes and Ones to make a way forward.


I know this post may have felt vague and scattered but I’m a little rusty when it comes to QWERTY-wrangling my thoughts in blog form- give me a week I’ll be back in full form. ;)

If you’re still here I wish you a lovely day, and a beautiful weekend ahead. Poke your head outside once and awhile and suck in some of that crisp fresh February air my fellow keyboard warriors.

<3 See you again soon!