I Found This Cell Tower Behind The Restaurant I Was Just Eating In


I was eating at this restaurant, the building on the left of the cell tower in this first picture. Can you imagine working at this restaurant where you have to work there 8 hours or more?

We were told to not stand in front of a microwave oven when it is cooking. Well, I remember being told that. I just watched a video with a guy measuring the radiation coming out of the microwave oven. It was pretty high.

Now imagine the microwaves that come out of a cell tower with the same energy as a 25 mega watt railgun. Can you imagine the radiation coming out of a cell tower with that much power?

If you can get cooked alive by the radiation out of a small microwave oven. How bad is it to be around a cell tower with the power as a 25 mega watt railgun?

All you have to do is check out the health of the cell tower workers. A lot of them are getting cancer. They are getting burned by the microwaves coming out of the cell towers.

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I see these towers by children in schools. Many times the cell towers are on the grounds of the school.


We know that chemtrails cause us to have nano aluminum in our bodies as they spray the nano metal trails. Were we not told to never put aluminum in a microwave oven?

Imagine these towers as an outdoor high powered microwave oven and you are being hit by these microwaves and you have aluminum in your body?

Would that not cause havoc in your body when these microwaves come in contact with these nano aluminum particulates?

With these nano aluminum particulates in our bodies we better stay away from cell towers. We better stay away from fluoride in every form, cause when aluminum and fluoride get together it really creates more havoc in the body.

Have you been noticing cell towers near neighborhoods, stores, restaurants, schools or other businesses?

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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Thank you, David.
Images are mine taken with my trusty flip phone or Moto G.

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