Gender Equality.

Are women equal to men or not? The question is not a joke.

This polarity means that we are dealing with a cloudy subject. So I decided to make it clear - at least with respect to its position. So - we have about equal rights? Are women equal to men?

The topic is large, so the note is not small. Get ready.

I'll start with the main thing - what is "equal" in this formulation of the question? Unfortunately, this is not always indicate so in the comments sometimes happens stabbing.

If we talk about equal opportunities for the realization of potentials, then yes, the same. A woman may work at any job, man, too. It is clear that we are not talking about all women in general - have personal inclinations, abilities, capabilities of the organism, finally. For example, a tiny girl will not be able to play basketball - growth is not enough. But in general - do not have such professions and occupations that would be available woman (the same is true for men).

If we talk about equality of results, there is also equality. By applying force, a person can achieve interesting results to him, regardless of gender. Someone efforts need someone smaller, and it is not related to sex (though many prefer to think that the associated). The fact that women are generally less than the top-ranking positions in no way connected with the infernal conspiracy of men. The reason here is different, and talk about it separately, at the end of the note.

In addition to equality of opportunity and results, have equal somatic (body on the level). Here I hasten to disappoint - men and women are slightly different from each other. The presence of the different chromosomes are having little effect on the body - not offence thou. Female body is ground of conception, gestation and feeding of, which imposes certain imprint on the job, such as the endocrine glands. In men, sharpening the other through what is its own little specificity.

It is important - these differences are not fatal. For example, they do not affect the intellect - it is the same. Equally, the logic is all right. Men and women are equally skillfully can solve logical problems, if required. And, of course, taught logic equally well (if the desire among students, certainly).

Finally, a woman has a cyclical nature in physiology, and men - not. The total inequality, for which you are so not fair with us, Mother Nature?

So, at the level of a biological (and man, as it may seem to some, a creature of flesh and blood, and in many lives under the laws of the flesh and blood), equality is observed.

It is understandable - the sexual dimorphism, different specialization in the global evolutionary sense. Men - it's worthless consumables (see the phenomenon of male high mortality.). Even if ninety percent of men die, the population will suffer, but survive the loss.

Women - valuable biological asset on which depends the survival of the population. Therefore, a woman in the course of evolution emerged as the most enduring one.

Many would like to reject all seven (a minimum) of millions of years of human evolution - say, in modern society, biology has little meaning. To this I can only say this: as soon as we cancel the X- and Y- chromosome, then we'll talk about the small value of the biology of man. Until then, this kind of talk - vanity and vexation of spirit.

Maybe we are talking about cultural equality? I mean, that is the culture of men and women culture. It is difficult to talk about equality - something different cultures. Yes, probably, there is no equality, but only if we understand by equality sameness. Cultures are not the same, but only just. If we talk about equality in terms of value, both are equally important for the culture of human society. So, apparently, it can be assumed that there is equality there.

Finally, the remaining domestic equality. Who cleans off the table, washing the dishes and takes out the garbage (and so on). This is generally enough.

Here, each couple decides individually and independently. Wash the dishes, cook, wash - it's not women's responsibilities. Hammer nails and repair the valve - not men. That's all - domestic duties. Who performs them - the subject of each pair individually contract. Someone chooses one option, someone else. Someone thinks the right to stay at home and cook borscht, someone selects an active life in society. All options are equally acceptable, and I just do not understand the part about equality.

Now the reason announced above, for which women seek less in terms of, uh, social success. It lies in the fact that women spend a lot of energy in offspring (not that stupid, from the power centers and present - which comes with a meal). Differences in the cost of seed - a huge, not at times, but by orders of magnitude. In three, four or even more orders of magnitude, a woman spends on the offspring in comparison with men.

Accordingly, not every woman has plenty of energy to grow offspring and live an active social life. Hence the need for choice - family or work. Hence the choice of employment, to be family friendly (but with a minus - for such work are paid less). Here, of course, can not be equality in principle - as long as a man will not able to bear and bring up children (maternity leave for men - is not the solution, still costs more than women).

In fact, this division of labor - it is engaged by children, it provides a whole band of food. Therefore, a woman less than a man, it succeeds in cases requiring a full-time commitment. She can not give everything - the children.

Women formed as birth giver and feeder of the child - it's true. In many respects, the behavior of women, even in a big city - it is the behavior of females, focused on reproductive success (mix their genes with the genes of the male and raise good children). Biology can not be thrown away completely. The men, of course, exactly the same in many respects males aimed at reproductive success.

But! (Quivering ladies note - "! But") it does not mean that a woman should give birth or obligation.

Our species is not on the brink of survival, and in the Red Book are not inculded. On the contrary, we are at full speed and drove into the Malthusian trap (google it). Progeny - the decision of the spouses, and only them (about the decisions of single mothers are not going - and so has a huge text turned out). If a woman does not give birth - it just does not give birth, do not dramatize.

Whew ... I think, with all the options of equality understood.

Repeat for fixing - inequality does exist in the context of the somatic, it is caused by sexual dimorphism and a key factor of this inequality is the amount of energy that a woman spends on the offspring.

At the same time expressed the idea very paradoxical - we can not deny the differences between men and women. We can not say that "men and women are exactly the same, only women can give birth." No, you can not - it's just bad for your health and the human psyche. Man needs of self-identification (self-classification) with any group. The simplest and most obvious group - people of your gender.

Normally (I insist - is the norm!) Individual Homo sapiens female glad and proud that she is a woman. A specimen of the same species, but male is happy and proud of the fact that he - a man.

Normally, they know about the differences and experience in this regard for each other the greatest respect. In particular, men are trying to (normal) to compensate for possible investments in female offspring and / or reduce them (up to the child at night, for example).

Normally, a woman appreciates the efforts of men and male - female attachment. If the pair is decided to do without children, the situation does not change much - wage issues and domestic responsibilities are resolved individually, without reference to sex. And if a woman has decided to do without a pair, then again, no questions asked - decided, and decided her case.

And the claim that women are better than men or men better than women, it is useless and in some cases even surprising.

That's all I wanted to say.

Questions and disagreement can be sent in comments. And the request. If you do not agree with me and want to be lynched - you are welcome. The main thing - do not skimp - share with friends-friends a link to this note. Suppose, too, come with torches and pitchforks.

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