Decentralized Free Electric Is Our Future! That's why we need your help! Future is now.

Being a free thinker is believing in the free energy for everyone. 

I admire the ideas and bravery of Manoj Bhargava and the Billions in Change movement. - "Bhargava pledged 99% of his net worth to improving the well-being of the world's less fortunate".

The official movie:

The ideas those people put in the reality are just brilliant and as much as we can support those project, the positive change for the whole society will happen sooner. The free electric is a small size decentralized power plant ( bicycle that with one hour of pedaling is producing enough power for the 24h usage in one smaller household) that can improve so many lives and bring prosperity to those that could not have it another way.

My idea is to connect it with the Blockchain technology and show the world a real value that the Free Electric can bring to the whole world. All the power production that will be written in the smart contracts would soon show the world that we can do a better, cleaner and much cheaper way, thus bringing a positive and healthy activity to the community. Classes in the schools could compete who would produce more power for the school, and such a simple actions could generate prosperity to all schools and communities that are using it. It's brilliant!

Let's together figure out how to speed this up? Looking forward to your contributionism...

I’m Damir Katusic,

I investigate, write, read and build things.

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