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Share your thoughts! Life experiment legacy

Hellos steemians,

Thank you for all your great comments, i am glad to be part of the adventure.


Thank you artwatch , you are not alone, for years now i have this idea to find a way to give us the possibility to share our life story, experiment, knowledge as legacy if we desire to.

Initially i was thinking about creating a website when anybody could write up what we desire to transmit to futur generation as legacy then came the question of immutability.

How to be sure the data will be never lost? I am sure they is some expensive solution with multiple data storage online and offline.
Before i knew blockchain technolog i imagined a website where we could filter our navigation by theme / date / countries...

Each days approximately 160 000 persons die , 2 dead per second, each individual had a singular experience of life, unique set up of knowledge, living from other era.

It is a complete waste of knowledge not finding a way to store and learn from the past to give us the chance to not constantly repeat the same mistakes.

The amount of know how lost forever is absurd.

We love to study history whereas we don't bother to store today's experiences for future generation.
I would love to be able to navigate from life story to legacy experiment, advices, food receipes, all kind of ancient artistic or home made know how...

I sure your childhood memory is already very different from what new born child will ever experiment.

From each death we lost a part of our civilization with the risk to loose our culture, identity and roots forever.
I am not aware of such website if you do please post a link.

From my immutable communication post we know steemit give us the opportunity to communicate to futur generation:

Post your Life experience legacy simply by commenting this post.

Write whatever you want, whenever you want to transmit your legacy, send your bottle in the sea!