Mantra Magic

I would like to commence a weekly post where I share my favorite mantras that I find uplifting and transforming.
Mantras are high vibrational sounds that recreate your reality, what you say is what you become. The practice of mantras can be traced back to the ancient Tibetan buddhists and Hindhu cultures of meditation that share the base intention of reaching enlightenment. The practice of mantra has bread similar modern concepts and practices that are affiliated with personal development, like the Law of Attraction and Positive Affirmations. Whether you approach mantras with a spiritual or personal development base it has the ability to improve your overall wellbeing if you choose to belive in the power of vibration and frequency.

Today I'm sharing one of my foundational mantras:

In my opinion, our current western society has programmed us into this delusion that we are everything BUT love. The focus is on a manmade agreement of trade; material gain and profit. Not to say that this adaptation has no spiritual purpose - but our ignorance to it's imbalances and harm to the human race as a whole is suffocating our innate nature to connect with one another.

Today I participated in a meditation class at the Green Lotus metaphysical store in the mystical town of Wailuku, Maui. Jill (a esoteric and jazzy channeler) led our class of three, two of my good friends joined me in this spiritual work. We're all on our own paths, the efforts of the exercises in the class is to raise our vibrations, transcend the pain that chains us to fear. In this class we are open minded and seek only to face our fears in hopes to liberate ourselves from this dysfunctional state of consciousness.

This afternoon was a hard one for me. To many I am bright, full of laughter and I project mostly positive energy. But I'm human too, I'm wounded, recovering from past life karma, healing the childhood wounds that were left unspoken for most of my life thus far. Jill could see right through my bright smile even when I honestly had no idea what she was talking about.

She said my anger was like the large elephant in the room, that I was born into this anger and the only way to move through it is to express it, embrace it fully. So I cried, she led me through a detailed visualization to help open up my heart - I kept my mind clear and ensued by a leap of faith that I deserve to heal myself too. She put her soft hand on my shoulder and in a soothing voice she instructed me to repeat the mantra "I AM LOVE" outloud.

As I summed up the courage to say these words, at first they came out like a whisper. She urged me to breathe into my belly and say it as if I was saying it to another person, with conviction and emotion. This mantra brought me to tears, so empowering and truthful. It is so hard to love ourselves when we have been taught to do the exact opposite in our society. Forgiveness and kindness is key elements. Simple as it is, this is the hardest challenge I face every day. This is very important though, in order to raise the vibration of our planet we must start with ourselves.


This is one mantra that I will continue to work with as time goes on, until I feel that I am wholesomely practicing this mantra without apprehension or witholding of self-love.

Now, I invite you to try this practice. Whether it is this mantra, or any of the upcoming mantras that I will be sharing in the next few weeks to come.

Try it out, say it to yourself slowly, with meaning. Breathe fully into your body and imagine a golden white light going from the top of your head down your spine and out of your sacrum. It's powerful stuff!

Love you all, hope you can remember to practice truly loving yourselves.

I'm here to hear, if any of you want to connect on a deeper level and share personal experiences, comments or ideas feel free to leave your information below. I'm open to reaching out and getting to know each of you if you are open to the same

& with that, I'm out.
XO Dakini-Dion

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