Looking forward to the Labour Day

It’s the last day of April & tomorrow will be a Holiday. As a person who works on an 8-5 job, this is a much-awaited break from my daily routine of work.

I like what I do at my job however, there will be a point when the daily tasks that I have are becoming exhausting. The weekends are good enough for me to catch some rest but if given a chance to have another day that I can use for leisure then that would be very nice.


The first day of May is a good day to go for activities that I rarely do even on weekends. On weekends, most of it is spent doing my household chores and resting too. For tomorrow, I don’t have to do all of those so I can focus on doing outdoor activities and other things.

I still haven’t finalized what are my activities for tomorrow. Among some of my plans is to meet a seller whom I have been chatting with in the past 2 days. I’m buying a pre-loved mini speaker. I’ve been thinking of buying a wireless speaker for my laptop but I don’t want to spend too much in buying the latest brand new stuff. The cost of buying a wireless speaker is getting expensive nowadays and although I have that kind of money, I don’t want to prioritize over other potential investments.

For me, I’m already glad to have a nice speaker that is sufficient enough to play good music and a much better quality version than what I have on my laptop. I hope that tomorrow's deal will be a success.

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