Happy TGIF everyone!

It’s the day we’ve been waiting for, TGIF!


After this day then I can finally celebrate for enduring another week of exhausting workload. I don’t really complain much about my job however there will be moments like this when I’m wanting to have a quick break from all of it. The weekends are usually the time for me to sleep a little bit longer to recover from the weekday’s shorter sleeping time. It’s not that I sleep late at night, it’s just that two and a half hours of my day is dedicated to traveling from my house to my work and then back to my house again. This routine has become one of the tiring moments of my day that I have to endure.

Among the days of the week, the weekends feels like the oasis in a desert. It’s the refreshing part of my week. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. If I will be given a choice on whether to work on weekends for more money then I may turn it down.

Which is funny because, my manager has been trying to get me to work on weekends and even on Sundays without an extra pay. I had to turn it down. It’s not because I don’t want to support the company but it’s the fact that I will be very stressed that I will eventually loose my efficiency in the process.

Without enough rest, it will be detrimental to my overall health which will lead to short term sickness or long term disease. That’s the kind of future that I wouldn’t want to have so I respectfully declined the offer.

Happy TGIF everyone!

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