Friendly Kois, mini cinnamon rolls, & chocolate bread

Hello Hivers!

Today’s mini random posts involves the Kois and some of my cheat day snacks.

Koi pond 🎏

This morning I noticed that they are in a mood to interact and so I took that opportunity to take more photos of them. As always, whenever there’s a gathering of kois the big golden will swim towards and take the spotlight. He wanted to make sure that nobody takes his “alpha fish” spot 😅.





Bite-sized cinnamon rolls & Chocolate bread

I’ve started to cut back my sugary food and drinks intake and it’s proving to be a healthy choice for me. It’s also a good choice to lessen the potential of me having blood sugar related issues in the future. But, it’s not to say that I can’t any of it. What’s a life without sweet treat? It’s going to be boring hence a “cheat day” has to happen once a week.

Two of my favorite sweet treat during the day that I allow myself to eat sweet stuff are mini cinnamon rolls and the chocolate bread.




Enjoy your TGIF!

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