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Excited about the long weekend!

I don't have a very specific blend of coffee in mind, but lately, I've noticed that I prefer Americano over the usual latte or caramel macchiato. I guess the simplicity of Americano is what made it preferable to my taste. I'm only interested in the effect of caffeine and nothing else. The usual latte and caramel macchiato have higher calorie content than Americano, the difference is about 20 times. That for me is a defining factor on why I would rather drink Americano over other blends. It just makes sense for a person like me who just prefers to drink coffee to keep me awake at my job, lol. I'm only interested in the effects of coffee without getting guilty about the extra calories that I have to intake.

This Friday night, I feel relieved that tomorrow is going to be a weekend where I can rest and still have time for leisure. We will be having a long weekend because of the Hari Raya holiday that will be happening next Monday. That's just the perfect timing and a good opportunity to take advantage of.

As early as now, I should be planning how will I spend my long weekend. One of which will be a pizza day, lol. I'm practicing the drink or eating beer and pizza occasionally.

I believe that doing things that I like less frequently will ensure that I will keep enjoying them. It's the same reason why I always look forward to holidays. There's nothing special about the day but because I'm missing it so much then it would make me enjoy it.

I hope you're all gonna enjoy your weekend too!

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