Beware, don't read!

One of the hardest things to deal with is "silence" from someone that you care about.

Why do I have regrets after I fight with someone I truly care about? She did me wrong that's why I got angry with her and I became mean in what I said. After a few hours, it sunk in that what I said to her was bad and now my conscience is making me feel bad about it. That's why I'm torn between the thoughts that...

  • Should I approach her and say "sorry" about the mean things I said to her?

  • Or will I allow my ego, stand tall, and make myself believe that I was right and she deserves all the mean things I said to her?


I hate this feeling. I hate it when I have to choose between being mean or being a sucker. I feel like whatever I choose between the two will eventually lead me to be a loser or a pathetic person.

What's even more annoying here is that I'm usually optimistic and motivated about my posts but there are times when I'm being haunted by some of my dark thoughts that I need to release them one way or another. One of the things that have been helping me lately is posting it on the Hive blockchain because I feel like it's been therapeutic for me.

That's why the title I put for this post is: "Beware, don't read!"

This is to serve as a warning to people who don't want to be affected by my negative or rant post.

To be honest, the Hive platform has been a huge help to me in my mental health. Because I can't really afford to have a therapist, that's why I just write blogs so that they can serve as my support when I'm thinking about problems. This platform serves as the channel for my frustrations in life. It's better than just having my frustrations accumulate in my brain and become problematic for my mental health.

When the time comes, my pains in life will also heal and I will look back on the times when blogging on this platform put my mental health in good shape. I will probably be grateful for the help this platform has given me. It helps me to have a positive outlook on life and to look forward to a better future.

I just want to say thank you to the Hive platform and I hope it will be more helpful in the future.

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