Appreciate even the simplest nice moment of each

The moment when you are having a bad weather is the moment that you’ll appreciate a good weather as simple as this.


I was walking along the same walkway that I often walk on going to work and as I was looking at the sky, I realize how beautiful it is. It almost seem mundane because I’m not paying attention to it. My focus was to get to the MRT because I’m trying to catch the next train going to the city. It’s usually the case, catching up with time which leads to me forgetting to realize the beauty of my surroundings. Maybe I get too focused on what I think is important at the moment and then disregard the other important thing about living - appreciate life.

Some people will only realize this when they are too old. After years of working and they have enough saved money for them to spend for leisure. The truth is, we don’t actually need to disregard “living moment” while we are in that stage. We don’t have to put 100% of our time and energy to our job and forget about everything.

How about we dedicate at 10% to 20% of our time and energy in actually living as well. Appreciate the things around us and make the most out of it.

An hour or even 2 hours of your day for you to relax, appreciate life, enjoy a leisure moment would be something that will have a good effect on your overall health.

note to self

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