A search for the happiness

A while ago, I was watching a documentary video about Bhutan and I was amazed by their life's principles and the governance of the country as well. They have what they call GNH (Gross National Happiness) in which they value the quality of life and happiness over the value of money.

image credit: Pixabay

For someone who lives in a city where the phase of life is fast and it feels like there is not enough time to do other stuff that will make me appreciate life. Living in the city has its advantages but there are also sacrifices to have a city lifestyle. What appreciate the most is the convenience of the transport system, a variety of things that bring pleasure to an otherwise boring lifestyle, and the numerous opportunities to achieve the wealth that we desire.

All of those benefits have a price to pay and they are not cheap.

Owning a house and a vehicle in the city is probably one of the most expensive things to have. It's not even something that will make you feel good about your accomplishments because these are just basic things that one should have.

Other expensive things that one should have in a city lifestyle are education & health care. These are some of the things that scare me the most. Especially the healthcare, it could drain your bank account if you haven't prepared yourself for it. This is what I envy with the citizens of Bhutan because their education and healthcare are free. It's provided by their government to ensure that every single citizen of Bhutan is educated and will receive the care that they need.

After watching the video, I realized that monetary wealth should not be the only thing we should accomplish in this life. There are other important aspects that we should think about also. One of them is our own "real" happiness. You may have your definition of it so it will be up to you to define and find a way to make it happen.

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