A healthy "unhealthy" remedy to stress

I believe we can all agree that eating food from a fast-food restaurant is not healthy for our bodies. It's something that we all know however it doesn't deter us from consuming this food because it is yummy. I do have this craving sometimes that "as much as I fight", I still give in to the temptation. It happens whenever I'm stressed about the things in my life that I don't see any progress. Is this stress eating? It's probably stress eating however, I try my best not to make it a habit. I don't want this to become part of my lifestyle. As much as possible, I would only do it on rare occasions because I don't want to feel dependent on it and that it will eventually lead to bad outcomes for my health.

Last Friday night, it was after my work, I felt like I needed to do something that would lift my spirit. I wanted to do a physical activity that would help me release my stress from work but I was too tired to go for a type of sport. So, I decided to go to McDonald's to eat a cheeseburger meal simply.

I don't have any other idea of food to order other than this meal. There is plenty of new stuff going on in this fast-food chain but none of them makes me feel interested. So, I just went for the classic cheeseburger. I think that's good enough to make me feel better even for a brief moment.

This is the kind of moment when I truly appreciate a cheeseburger. It's been months since I ate in a fast-food restaurant. The first bite from this cheeseburger tasted so good!

I think I made a good choice in going for this kind of stress reliever because it was an effective way to regain my motivation. I guess the placebo effect of a fast-food meal makes it a healthy "unhealthy" remedy to stress, lol.

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