Unraveling the intuition puzzles. A new way to see life.

Intuition has been subject of passionate discussions in different fields of knowledge. It was protagonist of numerous political decisions, as well as numerous scientific discoveries.  However, when we solve a problem intuitively, many consider it as a single flash of the mind as a set of lucky coincidences. In general, intuition is seen as something that is under a mysterious veil. This is because it is a form of perception that allows access to the knowledge without knowing where they come from. It allows us to realize what had previously gone unnoticed. Even become aware of something that is not unaware, but we had forgotten.

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All of us, at some point in our lives, we experience moments of intuitive understanding. In general we dismiss because they have no logic, and we doubt they have some convincing foundation. However, even if there is no exact definition for intuition, does not mean in any way that it does not exist. In a certain way, intuition is seen as a direct perception of truth. It is independent of any form of logical reasoning. This knowledge is expressed without us knowing that we know requires a balanced integration between mind and heart.

We can do what intuition says and in this experimentation process, from trial and error learn how to be mostly intuitive. It is vital to explore the quiet time to be connected with yourself to let the intuitive mind flow. Intuition brings out the understanding of what could be the path to follow. Find the true meaning of things and the profound nature of the mind. It allows us to recognize, learn and experience the truth. It is necessary to train attention if we want to develop intuition.

The peculiarity of the intuition is that it goes beyond reason without oppose her. Obviously does not replace them but complements it and sometimes precedes it. Obviously there are factors that difficult or facilitate the development of intuition. For example, the indecision, the reason, the fear of making mistakes and the absence of trust makes it difficult. In contrast, action, attention, serenity, open mind, perception and learning can be used to benefit.

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Specific Observations

There are situations that need to be resolved immediately. Is where that are activated memories stored in the mind and that have a direct relationship with what we need to solve. Such memories are of emotional nature and are associated with successes and mistakes of the past. Of course, these memories will determine the decision we take the present. For example, it appears a job offer. The brain uses all professional experiences stored there and then choose the option that we consider most convenient. The development of this sequence is done consciously. Therefore, we will be able to explain the reasons that led us to make such a decision.

On the other hand, there are situations in which such a decision is taken unconsciously. If the result is positive, we say that was the result of the intuition and can not explain the reasons to know that this was the correct path. In this sense, intuition is a kind of guess that is not mediated by consciousness or by reasoning, but by previous experiences and emotions associated with them.

To Finish

Advanced studies at the end of the last century involving professionals from different fields have obtained interesting results. For example, it was found that those who had longer exerting their profession were quite intuitive. The most surprising was that his intuition rarely failed. This is the case of doctors who have a "clinical eye". Of course, more experience will give the possibility of a greater success without having to go through long reasoning. Some consider that hit by intuition is a matter of pure statistics. The answer is no. The experiences that constantly incorporate our unconscious are those which allow the intuition becomes sharper. It is not coincidence, but another way to reach true conclusions.

Previous experiences associated with a feeling are what influences the decisions we make intuitively. This process takes place unconsciously and have variables that depend on the personality and beliefs of each individual. For this reason there are more intuitive than other people. While much of the intuition of the world remains a puzzle, in practice it is clear that it is a reality that works daily.

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