123.jpgToday is kind of a special day for me on Steemit platform as I just realized that it's exactly 365 days since I've registered my account. TADAM!



Most of you my dear readers know part of my life’s story and you're also well aware of my upcoming challenges. So, after several years living in various countries around the world, I decided that it's time go back to Europe to settle down for a bit.

Reasons behind it are quite simple: since immigration policies of major powers like US and EU started tightening, other emerging markets followed and it's causing an exodus of foreigners in Asia. Even being married to local Malaysian doesn't make me feel secured anymore. Especially in current days when we're witnessing a lack of political stability across the globe.

So it's time to move back.



I got used to being an “outsider".

Someone who never fully belonged to a particular place I was living in and the local communities surrounding me.

I'm sure @fitinfun and @majes.tytyty (whom I got to know personally - AMAZING Fella) could agree that living in South East Asia makes you feel that way.

It has been always easy to find other "outsiders" to build solid relationships with. Knowing right people and building healthy friendship has been my priority for so many years. I guess that shaped me to who I am today :)

I learned to love that feeling, of being always ignored, never part of any local unrest, never involved in politics, never being able to understand other people talking between each other in subway. Living in a small bubble and sharing direct connections with other similar bubbles. I LOVED IT!

Coming back to Europe can be very challenging. That bubble I managed to create will surely burst within days. And I hope that some of you can help me get prepared for what's coming.



I'm fully aware that many people out there have similar experiences coming back to their homeland and trying to rebuild old friendships.

Learn to know your own family closer.

Getting familiar with your nieces and nephews of who so far you know only mostly from Skype calls.

Coming back from South East Asia, where it's always warm and cosy, where even very poor people seem to be happier than middle class in Europe.

I mean ... I still remember years ago, when I've thrown wrong rubbish into wrong trash-bin .... I got heavily scolded by an old man, who resorted to calling me all worst names I could imagine. People explode with frustration left and right. This I've learned during my short visits in Europe.

How to get ready? I would like to hear your suggestions and advices. Or simply any warnings or mistakes that anyone in similar situation ever had. After all re-connecting with entire "old life" may not be very easy.

So again ... any advices? :)



If you've been following up recent events related to recent "20k delegation" contest by @theycallmedan, then contunie reading.

Otherwise you can skip till end of this post :)

During that contest some unnecessary and hurtful words has been said on both sides. I think it's time for all of us (those involved) to realize that we are a bunch of small communities and this conflict doesn't serve anyone. We share similar friends, that we are putting in an awkward position. I can only hope that those wrongful accusations that were hurled our way were only a result of "miscommunication".

Right now my wish is to open new chapter in my life, with peace in my mind. So as a "peace gesture" I would like to one more time CONGRATULATE to @SteemitBloggers and I honestly hope this 20k will serve you guys well.

I hope we can move forward and "shake" each other’s hands, having in our minds that we should serve our communities. Not the other way around.



I've heard that saying several times and it goes like that:

"Alone you go fast,
Together you go far"

And I absolutely agree.

Yours, Piotr

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