‘Star Wars’ fans petition to have ‘Last Jedi’ removed from franchise

From Global News

“Let the hate flow through you,” a quote from Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars movie Return of the Jedi, has never been more apt.

Anger is certainly erupting among purported Star Wars fans, who’ve started up a petition to get the latest movie in the franchise, The Last Jedi, stricken from the canon. Perturbed by what they interpret as inadequacies with character development and plot, the petition creators are upset with director Rian Johnson and production companies Disney and Lucasfilm.

The petition, titled “Have Disney strike Star Wars Episode VIII from the official canon,” is composed by Last Jedi hater Henry Walsh. It has nearly reached its 15,000-signature goal.

“Star Wars has long been a story about two things, the Jedi and Luke Skywalker,” wrote Walsh, a native of Georgia. “After over 260 novels where we could follow the adventures of that great hero you, the Walt Disney Company decided to strike all of that from the official canon and wiped out three decades of lore. We were excited to see Episode VII to see how our heroes’ lives turned out since you took away what we knew. We saw the death of Han Solo, we saw less than a minute of Luke Skywalker.”

“Episode VIII was a travesty,” the petition continues. “It completely destroyed the legacy of Luke Skywalker and the Jedi. It destroyed the very reasons most of us, as fans, liked Star Wars. This can be fixed. Just as you wiped out 30 years of stories, we ask you to wipe out one more, ‘The Last Jedi.’ Remove it from canon, push back Episode IX and re-make Episode VIII properly to redeem Luke Skywalker’s legacy, integrity, and character.”

Read more: https://globalnews.ca/news/3924696/star-wars-fans-petition-the-last-jedi/

This director should never be allowed to make another Star Wars movie. Disney was off to a great start with their first two movies in the Star Wars universe and then they really shit the bed with this one. The production quality, action and effects are still amazing but their character development and answers to burning fan questions were bogus.

It felt like Rian Johnson was rebelling against the great job JJ Abrams did with The Force Awakens and purposefully made a mockery of where it was taking the story.

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