Ongoing Collection: Your suggestions for CO2 Compensation Projects


WANTED: Your suggestions for

CO2 Compensation Projects around the World

Please contribute with a reply to this post. Your comment should include

  • a brief description of the project,
  • a link to the project website and
  • contact information if not clearly denoted on the website.

If the project you have suggested finally will be approved for the CO2 Fund there will be a nice reward for you, either in upvotes or in COCOs, and the feeling of having made a difference.

Proposed projects with the most number of upvotes will be reviewed first.
A comment older than 7 days still can be upvoted. Not to waste VP just upvote with 1 percent.

More information about the CO2 Fund you can read here...

The CO2 Compensation Coin (Symbol: COCO) you can find on right here...

The number of transferred and currently hold CO2 Compensation Coins by the CO2Fund you can see in its wallet.

CO2Fund is a project by @retinox

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