Saturday Morning Funny Cute (hint -- little man picked the title)

Zeph walked up to me and said, "Funny cute, mommy." My brain kind of did that toddler translate thing. So I asked him video or pictures.

He said, "The moving ones." Which reminding me of the push I want to make to DTube --

Except most normal, average folks still don't understand the full extent of what is happening in the realm of censorship (but that is for a weekday, not a funny cute day).

Tiny Tim

Oh my gosh look at this little guy. The Dodo did a little blurb on him -- now Zeph and I are hooked.

Funny Cute

Oh my gods, it turns out this little guy has his own channel, too!!!

And his humans are pretty swell. Not going to lie. This is one little dude that I could watch all day.

I rarely comment on YouTube, but these folks deserved a "thank you". They did not just give up on the different donkey.


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