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Open Your Heart To The Beauty Around.


"Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old."Franz Kafka

I have lived in Nigeria since I was born. I have seen the life pattern around here. I know how people live and I have come to the conclusion that Nigerians hardly appreciate beauty.

I don't mean recognizing and appreciating facial human beauty. Not that. I mean the beauty of nature.

When last did you walk alone in a park, silent, buried in your company, staring at nature, all by yourself? When last did you listen to birds sing? When last did you ravel in the greenish beauty of a lush vegetation?

"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them."Marcus Aurelius

We are too stiff. We are always in one pursuit or the other. Sometimes, we should take time off and relax. Appreciate beauty and live life a little bit slowly.

There is beauty all around us, if only we can open our hearts to see it. Can we pause for a moment and appreciate the beauty around us?

We only live once. Let's make the best out of it. Create good memories and live with them.
