Your Inner Circle - A key to happiness and success....

This might sound like I’m contradicting some of the things I’ve said before, but its not really the case. For many years now I’ve been a firm believer that as much as we may meet a lot of people, call many of them friends, there is a small group of them who will really earn your complete trust.


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Selecting who they are, or even getting to meet them is a journey in itself, but no doubt they are very few that you are bound to meet, and we all must learn to appreciate them profoundly.

I’m not saying that we should not be friendly with those who don’t belong to our inner circle, nothing that drastic. I’m simply saying that being aware of who they are, being grateful and even expressing that gratitude to them is something I’ve chosen not to skip.

I know I often talk on this blog about success, what I believe it means, the search for it that everyone should have in their hearts. So today, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about another aspect of success: having the right people by your side.

Think about this for one second: What good would it do to have it all, if there was noone there to share it with? - The answer is so simple and gray, that it rattles my core. Even if we accumulated all the riches of the world they would not mean much at all.

This is precisely why I think its important to have this reminder, to think about everyone around us a potential partner, as someone that could be part of that inner circle. The people that will stand by your side no matter in what stage of life you are in, that don’t call you friend only when you can do something for them, but when they want to do something for you.

There are risks, I won’t lie about that. I made some mistakes too. I’ve trusted someone before that turned out to not be honest in the end. But with enough practice you learn to recognize those who are sincere, those who mean the words they speak and show you true friendship with actions.

If I had one good life advice to give someone who is feeling alone in the trenches of life, it would be to this.

“Find your inner circle as soon as you can, find your allies, your brothers, your sisters and then nurture those bonds as often as you can, because when life throws you curveballs, they will be the ones to come and events merit celebrations they will bring the bottle of wine.”

Until next time

Follow - @chbartist

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