What is the Real Difference Between You and the Next Guy???

We live in a society where uniqueness is treated with hostility and remarkable characteristics of those that dare to defy tradition are silenced by the future and cries of the masses that hate nothing more than change or enlightenment.

If you are a dreamer, or have ever been one before, you understand the insupportable stance of society towards those who live in a dream world of their own making. Society is tolerant against the ambitions of the young and hopeful, so long as these ambitions do not threaten to change their way of living and what gives meaning to their everyday lifestyle.

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With this approach, the youth are predisposed to grow and shape their identity in a way to fit in with everybody else. To live life as it is expected from them. To find a casual job and forsake the dreams that might have once filled them with hope and pleasure. To live out the rest of their days with a sense of nagging in the darkest corners of their minds about who they would become if they had the courage to follow down the path that would eventually lead to the realization of their dreams.

But dreamers who keep going with hope and perseverance are different than these ordinary people. They know the challenges they need to face, and they are well aware of the struggles and the difficulties they need to bear in order to achieve their goals. The hardships of the path do not scare them away, but make them stronger every day.

They do not plunge into the follies that plague other people, and they do not fall into the traps of ego. Indeed, these people are different from your ordinary human being. But do they respect that difference?

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It is often cited by philosophers and scholars that those who have a greater understanding of life usually lack the wariness that is essential to reaching their own full potential. These original thinkers lose themselves in a world born out of meaning and desire, and in this process, they ironically become as productively redundant as the ordinary people that they loathe.

There are dreamers who think about their goals with a fiery passion that cannot be contended, but when it comes to actually taking steps to realize those goals, their action is undermined by their unwillingness to move beyond their thought floods so that they can bring productivity and movement to their practice.

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This is not a comfortable subject matter to discuss in depth, but I am going to attempt to do it anyway, since I believe that some of those dreamers are truly in need of a push like this.

Imagine someone you know closely, but don’t necessarily enjoy their company or the way they live their life. Think about how they spend their day. How many hours do they put in to work? How much is their productivity? Let’s assume the average person works a proficient 3 hours in a day.

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When it comes to bearing the unimaginable to achieve the impossible, that amount of productivity is laughable. So, on one side we have an ordinary person living an ordinary life, and on the other, we have a dreamer whose ambitions exceed the wildest imaginations of mankind.

Think about how ludicrously stupid and tragic it would be if these two people had the same amount of productivity (for instance, 3 hours a day) as their approach in moving forward in life.
Dreaming is divine, but without movement, it is pointless. Do you want to know what makes the real difference between you and the next guy at the end of the day?

Your will to truly take steps and spend time with wisdom and care.
This is where the true difference lies. Not in the way that these two groups of people are living their life, or what their ideals are, but the way they decide to spend their time and energy. Remember, from tomorrow morning, it is up to you to decide how you are different from them.......

Important Remarks

I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, 40, 50, 80 upvotes and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem...

***Remember Community: Please, if you commented and upvote on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair.

You all know the goal! We can reach: 50+ Upvotes each others!

I'm reading all the meaningful comments from the posts.

I am here making a list of all of you who have helped build this community by voting for each other who write meaningful comments and soon I will respond to everyone with comment marking all of you because I would like you to understand that it is almost impossible with a very long life busy answering specifically to each and every one of you.

In some cases I will find the time to be more specific but I thank you all because I can already see this spirit being built in this Positive Mindset community and help between all of you.

To me is my promise that you will receive my upvote in all material and brief comments I will do this in all the posts I am following very closely and I can see what the people who are generous and contribute to this legacy that I am trying to build with all of you can become reality in a short time.



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