Trying to get some things wrapped up

Its been a few crazy days for me in the studio. I've been trying to close some productions for myself and others and it's been difficult to get online. I don't want anyone to think I've gone missing so here I am dropping a quick post.

I have a lot of big plans for this year, and very soon I'm going to be on the road again. I fully expect to keep on Steemin every single week, sharing some reflections and possibly some pictures from a stage here and there. That sounds like fun, right?

I've been thinking lately how lucky I am to have friends like I do. I'm not attempting to sound dramatic, I'm seriously feeling a lot of gratefulness for them. Life gets busy, we get busy, things get complicated and over the years its easy to lose those connections.

There has been a few consistencies in my life, and one of them is standing with me on this picture. I've said it before, there is no greater feeling than having good friends to share those special moments with, absolutely nothing.

I'm going to finish writing down some ideas tomorrow, and hopefully then I can fall back into a healthy routine. I love participating of these conversations with the people that follow this blog, because even though I aim to teach, I've never stopped being also a student.

Much love and success to all


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