The Power Of Community - Stemmians! We Vote - It's Time to Wait and Continue Our Work!

Hello Steemians, how are you?

I have some considerations to make in this post after watching everyone's effort in engaging and voting for Steemit:

I have come across my life journey and in every period I am here on steemit conveying the power that exists in you to have a positive mindset to grow in your life and show how important it is to create the true spirit of a community. This must always be a true feeling within us.

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Here I have ...

1 - From the beginning I have shared my life experiences and maybe they can serve as some learning for you.

2 - I have tried to do my best even with a busy schedule conveying the mistakes I made in an attempt to warn them not to commit the same.

3 - I showed the scammers who beat me up and how I went to the ring floor a few times so that you were alert with these people.

4 - I started a few posts ago trying to develop the culture in you to vote for each other who make comments. Of course I encourage you to vote only on comments that show that the person has read the post and made a comment or review but that is a comment that is not just a spam like: amazing, I liked it Thank you! and especially those who say. Follow me and I'll follow you. Vote for me and I vote for you (These are the worst, laughs)

5 - And more than that, believe me that I believe in steem very much and would like you not to give up because of the market lows, the lows happen for all currencies or stocks in the stock market. This is part of who's in the market.

What I have received as the greatest reward is that I have met incredible people all over the world and being able to share with them different experiences and cultures and this has a great value in my life.

Now that the votes are closed and we need to wait for the results but regardless of anything the spirit that everyone showed here was the most important and what makes me believe in all of you. Let's grow and show our strength as a community and our belief in Steem!

And to conclude I would like to thank all of you who voted for Steemit in recent days and encouraged others to vote as well.

If you are from my team and think like me, let's go ahead building with this positive mindset and so we are going up the step and this can certainly benefit us all!



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