I've Always Been With Steemit and All of You and My Solidified Commitment - Want to Know Why? Read This Post Why Maybe It Can Be a Guide For Many People In Our Great Community.

Today I would like to share with you all something very special about today. Since I joined steem I was always very clear on my desire to share my life experience with everyone, not as the owner of the truth, but simply knowing that many things I have experienced could help others find their own north. On top of that I was always clear that I would try to write in a simple way, so that they could be understood by anyone who would find them. I am a songwriter, and I could write in metaphors or poetry, but that was never the way I wrote when using steemit, for the reasons I just described.

I understand that to a small minority my content can seem weak, maybe because for this minority the information I’m sharing is already known, but I insist that those criticisms come from them not understanding that 99% of people don’t have the sometimes basic information, and that to reprogram the mindset it’s necessary. Also age is a consideration, there are plenty of young people who still lack the experience and learning about these things can save them a lot of problems in the future, learning from someone who made all the errors for them.

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My Feelings Today

I feel a lot of pride when I think about the community we are building, and the foundational ideas for growth we are sharing: Respect, generosity and the free sharing of knowledge and experiences that can help people reach a new level in their lives, to conquer their dreams through this mindset reprogramming. The idea of building a positive minded community, starting on this very blog.

I think plenty of my readers already understand these concepts, because I see them in the comment sections of these posts, I see people who are helping each other out, sometimes great comments with 10 upvotes. Those who follow this blog, know that my goal is to reach a point when the best commenters, get upwards of 50 votes for their efforts, and this is one of the ways I believe the community is getting stronger, and the mindset I speak about will take roots. This can spread all through steem and it’s different platforms.

Something Very Special

Today I have something very special to share with you all, something that proves that I mean the words I share, and those who will join our community of success.

I just reached the level of orca whale on steem, and that is not news I’m sharing to inflate my ego. I decided to invest on steem and it’s platforms and I would like to talk about my reasoning behind it, but also express my gratitude to those who have guided me towards making that decision.
I was convinced to join this platform because of one friend, who has made an excellent job with his project called @helpie. I’ve been good friends with @meno for almost a decade now.

When I met @meno he was lived a life like everyone else. He was an employee, working hard, not earning enough, and could not find a way to free himself from that enslaving mindset society imposes. I could see on @meno a very intelligent man, and recognized his potential, we became very close friends and I became a mentor, I saw the changes taking place over a year and I know that he would never go back to being the employee he once was, he reached his freedom and works hard today, but from the comfort of his own home.

When @meno showed me steemit I was very skeptical, even though I had already been involved with cryptocurrencies for some time. I did not feel confident about it, and having a busy life did not help. I was not just about to buy STEEM, become a heavy investor, a whale and not understand the potential, not do anything with it.

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Trust Speaks Volumes

And the trust I have for my friend @meno made me first try out steem to begin with, with the idea of sharing my life experiences of this blog.

However when I first started I was criticized a lot, some people believed I was a fake profile, using the image of an artist, and of course that was a big deal for many months. Some people believed that there was no way an artist would be willing to share humbly his life story on a blog, because the stigma is that they are supposed to be unreachable.

But I’ve never saw it this way, my attitude has always been:

“My Success Is Your Success” as an entrepreneur I did have an opportunity to coach people into thinking this way. Why be so closed, so selfish and not share our life with others? There is a space for everything in our life, and sharing is not reducing one’s success.

“There is always room for those who want to reach success, but the detail is that the space exists, but only for those who want to work towards it, not just say they want it”

Wanting success is not necessarily linked to only money, the definition is personal, but for those who want to reach for their success I reiterate:

“There is room for everyone who is willing to do, what needs to be done!”

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When I started writing these posts, simple posts, and found the promotion tool of bots, with the idea of reaching as many people as I could. More problems came and I was even blacklisted at some point in time from some services.

However every time I was attacked, I never insulted anyone back, I always tried to clear up the misunderstandings like adults with respect, in other words, if you attack me, I will give you kindness in return.

On steemit there is a strong caring community, but respect always needs to be present, its the top of the priorities when it comes to conduct and culture. All the positive attitudes you can think of fall under this umbrella, the umbrella of respect and if everyone understands this one day, the world would be a better place. It’s up to us to practice this every single day.

Here on the steem platforms we have the opportunity to leave legacy to the world, and that has become one of my objectives too.

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I would like to thank those who have helped me since I started my steem journey: Of course in first place my friend @meno, who actually visited me personally a few times this year, @transisto, my friend @upmewhale a very kind and honest person , @zaku who has a very generous project, @brazilians, @therealwolf that even in difficult times we had private conversations and we always resolve things as adults and respectfully and he is a good person, @gtg who is an incredible person and always with an enviable education, @pechichemena my great friend and songwriter partner, my friend @jonathan.wright , @casagrande a very nice person, @berniesanders he has my respect, @aggroed, @steemchiller and everyone who has accompanied me on this steemian journey. Please forgive me if I’m forgetting someone, but in all honesty I’m grateful to everyone.

To Take Advantage Of This Opportunity

Please forgive the long text, but I want to bring something to the table. We are in the middle of a great opportunity, one that I think we can’t let pass by.

The other day I received a comment in one of my posts where someone asked me for some steem. I enjoy helping, when I can and do often, but always verify the accounts that ask me for help. When I checked the profile of this person, I saw that they had not posted in four months.

Please forgive me, but even generosity has its limits, because I do believe in merit, and I have to stop myself from helping at times like this.

I think some people confuse the platforms built on steem as some sort of charity system.

But please people understand! We have to practice generosity with one another, but we also need to take care of the blockchain that makes this possible, especially if we claim to believe in it.

You can’t forget that behind steemit, there is cryptocurrency called steem, and if you do your part to help steem, you are also helping yourself.

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How can you do this, you ask?

“You can purchase and/or accumulate steem, within your capacity of course and work on your blogs, interact with people, in very much the way we have done so on this blog”

What I’m trying to say is that we are within a window of opportunity, and making an effort to buy and hold steem will surely pay off in the long run.

We can’t simply expect to take from the platform at all times and give nothing to it, it’s your business, you need to think about investing in it.

I’m not talking about anyone doing anything crazy to buy steem tokens, I’m talking about doing our part. Draw out a plan, if you can buy, buy 1,2,3,10,50 whatever you can, the more people do this, the brighter the future for this very blockchain. Who knows how much it could become one day.

Think about changing the fear mindset, and think about seizing the opportunity, it’s the time to be brave.

I will always be honest with you all, and I want to be clear about what I’m trying to say here:

It makes no sense for people to expect to live off using steemit depending solely on the upvotes of other people, it’s also up to you to grow your influence, build your brand and business, especially if you claim you believe in it.

Another thing to consider even in the short term is what would happen if more of us get involved doing this. Think about what would happen if 1000 people would buy 1000 steem tokens right now. That would lockup 1 million tokens, and would surely help the markets recover.

If you are thinking: Well, I can only buy 2 steem tokens! That’s fine too.

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In the short term who knows what will happen, today the price dropped even lower than when I purchased a big amount, but I’m not worried. I’m giving you an example however of how you walk the talk, we can all win together here. It’s actually quite simple, you believe, or you don’t I made up my mind and I’m going to continue believing, even if the price drops to ten cents, because I see the development happening on this blockchain and I can see where this is going now. I would only stop believing if the development would stop, if the ones who are building stopped believing themselves, but that is the opposite of what I’m seeing. It’s in these trying times that we find out who are our true allies.

But when I speak about difficult times, I should clarify they are tumultuous for those who are committed, but for those who stay on the sidelines it’s not, it’s actually the best of times. The price of steem being so low and cryptocurrency in general, bitcoin under 4k. A second chance for many investors.

You could take a negative attitude too, but why?

I see it like an opportunity because my mindset comes from years of experience. Everyone however should have at this point in time the spirit of community, and realize we are all navigating in the same boat. I just want to see the brave ones step up, its by being brave when everyone else is fearful that we win this, this was my attitude when I was building my companies, and that is how I built a team around me able to appreciate the grind.

But let’s not forget:

“When we are willing to give, we are ready to receive”

This is the thought I want to leave you with:

“If you are pretending to work or invest on your steemian journey, then it will pretend to pay you for your efforts. But if you put in the work, if you invest, the platform will surely reward you for your efforts”

I would also ask my readers to consider voting for @helpie as a witness. You can do so
Vote for Helpie Click Here

Don’t forget to leave your thoughts and comments, and continue to do what we have been doing here: support those who are putting in the work with thoughtful comments.



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