Well Failed

Reading: (Romans 8:28) "And we know that those who love God, all things work together for good ..."


Source of the Image

I watched with interest a game in which my grandson Peter was participating. It was the second year he played T-ball, a game that prepares six-year-olds for baseball. In this game, the ball is placed on a rubber stick that is at the base of the batter. The ball, resting on the T-shaped post, expects to be hit hard. Children pull with all their energy, hoping to get it out of the field, but sometimes wicks fail completely.

This has just happened to my grandson and he seemed very upset with himself. The coach wanted to encourage him; Then, he shouted: "How good you missed him, Peter!". My grandson had failed, but even so, the coach told him that he had been "right".

This brings to mind our mistakes as believers in Christ. God never says that our sin is right, but does not consider our mistakes to be definitive. By His Grace, He can take good things out of our greatest defeat. In Romans 8:28, we read that God causes all things to be for the good of those who love Him. What a hopeful mystery!

If you love God and want to please him, do not give up or despise yourself. Ask for forgiveness and strength to overcome your weaknesses. Trust Him. Let Him transform your mistakes into WELL.

Failure is never final for those who start afresh with God.


Any questions that you have, do not hesitate to comment and I will be able to help you.

Bye Bye!


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