3 Small and Quick Changes in my Life that Boosted my Productivity | 2 min. read + Video


It is usually not the big moments that define us, but it is by the small things that we do daily that makes a big difference. These three habits, I believe, are the the quickest changes that you can make in your life that pays off hide dividends in the long run.

1. Make your bed in the morning

Millionaires make their bed in the morning, and so should you. Not only do you remove clutter in your room, but you also set yourself for success by accomplishing the first task of the day, thus starting a chain of good decisions. (as recommended by "The Happiness Project")

Not convinced? Watch this video.

2. Cold showers

This trains my whole body to step out of the comfort zone every single day. Plus, it's good for your immune system. Personally, I am not breaking any addiction, but research says that cold showers are the best way to break any urge. My favorite benefit from cold showers is having more energy throughout the day. In my experience, it is a more powerful stimulant than a cup of coffee.

Watch this video for a more detailed review.

3. Watch your YouTube videos at x1.25 speed

If you are quick when it comes to absorbing information and value your time, I definitely recommend that you do this. You would be able to watch 12-minute videos in just 8 minutes. YouTube videos can be value-adding and certainly not a waste of time. Hopefully, you watched the two videos above with the said speed ;)

What about you? What small changes in your life would you say have the most impact in your life? Let me know in the comments below!

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