I Met Someone in REAL LIFE Who's HEARD of STEEMIT! Is Steemit GOING VIRAL?! Facebook Killer!

I Met Someone in Real Life Who's Heard of Steemit!

So quick story, last night I went out in Philadelphia to celebrate my birthday with a few friends. [Barcade in Philly is awesome if you ever get the chance to go. It's like a bar/arcade mix - so cool] So I was outside having a cigarette in between a few drinks, and I started talking to my buddies about Steemit. You see, the other day I had my first successful post, so OBVIOUSLY I wanted to sing the virtues of the site so they can get in on the action. Well, about halfway through the conversation, this woman comes up to us and goes...

"Are you talking about Steemit? I love Steemit! I can't believe people are getting paid to post stories, photos, and recipes..."

Or well, something of that sort/ to that effect. She was going on about how she can't understand why people will continue to post their content FOR FREE on Facebook when they can EARN MONEY on Steemit.

And then it hit me. This random person on the street who I had never met before, found out about Steemit from.... SOMEWHERE, and now she's going around telling people about it too. Has Steemit begun to GO VIRAL?

She then goes on to tell me that, because of Steemit, she learned about Bitcoin because that's the only way to exchange Steemit for UDS/Fiat currencies right now. So she was quite literally a real life example of Steemit bringing new people to Crypto, and she found ME out in the real world.


Idk, just thought you guys would be stoked to know that there are people out and about in real life who are talking about the platform. This is HUGE for Crypto and I think it might be crypto's first KILLER APP. And Maybe it's the FACEBOOK KILLER!

Thanks for reading! Hope you're ready for Steemit to takeover!!

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