Day 575 | Motivation Life Hacks

I started a challenge of taking 100 days off to mainly focus on my health and overall personal development and used this account as a personal blog to keep track of all my activity. I enjoyed it and continued afterward trying to build better habits and find a good balance between health, fitness, work and my personal life...

I keep going up and down in motivation letting myself get caught up in instant pleasure compared to longer term growth and happiness. Having this blog has been a real life hack in this regard as I pretty much look into the mirror on a daily basis which makes it really hard to let myself go for anything but a short period of time. It's not enough though, but I think I found another life hack to take care of that...

When I had a date last over a week ago, It gave me plenty of motivation the weeks prior to do well and make sure I was at my best mental state. So If I would plan another date a little further down in the future (end of the year) it should give me the needed motivation to fully get at it again. I plan to take care of that the next few days.

While I don't like the idea that I need outside factors to be motivated. (It should just come from within myself) . It is what it is at the moment and I'll just do what works aiming for one day to not need these tricks anymore. Until then, I will keep making a daily blog keeping track of my overall activity...

365 DAY HOT YOGA CLASSES | JOINED: 6/100 (Day 18)

DayBed TimeAwakeOut Bed
18 Nov23:3008:1009:10
19 Nov00:3008:1009:00
20 Nov00:0008:3009:25

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