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3 Ways We Give Our Personal Power Away

Breathe in and out. In, and out again. Now one last breath in... And then release it. But why do I still feel off? Your breathing technique is a saver, but sometimes it's just not going to cut it, not when you're giving so much of yourself away.

When was the last time you felt like someone sucker-punched you in the core? Whether your energy has been zapped or your attention is on what you can't effect, you've willfully or unknowingly giving your energy away.

That's been me at times, and I'm sure it's been you at times too. Your personal power belongs to you and you alone. No one else will know how to best utilize it, yet we give it away.

In this video, I briefly describe how we may be giving our personal power away and how to start to get it back so that you can use it in a way that compliments your goals, lifestyle and values.

This YouTube channel was created to reach the hearts of those who know the value of a self-care, expansion and a curious mind.

Mega Love.