RE: RE: Stop Lying: You Love The Kardashians
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RE: Stop Lying: You Love The Kardashians

RE: Stop Lying: You Love The Kardashians

I loved this one. And I can say with honesty that I don't love the kardashians or even really know who they are because I dont watch tv and I dont really follow any sort of news or media things where they come up. I only found out recently that one of them, maybe the dad, became a woman and everyone thinks its ace and is giving him...her, awards or something. I'm not really clear on it all. I read books. No kardashians in Great Expectations! But your post reminded me of something that popped up on my fb 'this thing that happened a couple of years ago' post thing that pops up, with a photo of my son when he was about 2 and a half and being a bit of a nutbag, and I'd included this little bit of writing with the photo at the time. It was about how everyone at that time, seemed to be going on these fb diets, logging off for a month or whatever because they felt too consumed by all the shit that they were seeing and it was getting them down or they were sick of it or whatever the case happened to be. I'd noticed this as a trend. In the post I said that the thing that I found odd was that they were choosing to leave fb for a while to clear their head or just take a break, and I wondered why they didn't just change the sort of things they were seeing in their feed. If your only getting shit and negativity and drama in your feed, its because you've surrounded yourself with that stuff. So why didn't they just unfollow those things, and instead find and follow the stuff that gave them interesting or uplifting or stuff that made them want to dance naked with their neighbors and sing kumbaya? I think its sort of the same principle as your comments above about drama. I dont think i'll ever understand why people feel they are trapped in a dark elevator with these negative influences and that they cant get away from them. Thanks for reminding us all that we can. That we have choices. Some people really need constant reminders about that sort of thing.
Ps, sorry for the less articulate rambling of this than it normally is, its 2.21am and I'm still awake with a head cold and that thing that feels like a hairy golf ball in my throat and I'm pretty such the 'nasal congestion' is impeding the oxygen getting to my brain.

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