Message From A Stranger

For the last four years, I have carried this jar around, with the following simple instructions, a notepad and a pen.  

 “ Write a message, read a message. The pen is a powerful instrument, use it wisely, kindly and with love.” 

It has travelled all over Australia, and now rests in a little corner of my shop.   

Message From A Stranger started as an idea to increase customer engagement at my market stall. I wanted something free that would intrigue people, start conversations and be memorable. For the first year, Message From A Stranger travelled with me to well over a hundred venues across Australia. From cities to small outback towns, people from all places and walks of life have exchanged messages through this jar.  During this time, my husband and I were traveling around in our camper van named Sergio, making things on the road and selling our label at markets on weekends. Occasionally after a particularly tiring weekend, we would grab a bottle of red wine and sit in a park to read through the messages. It was gorgeous. 

These days, I rarely open the jar, it lives on it's own as a vessel for peoples thoughts.   

Even though the instructions are short, people seem to instantly understand the concept. The pen is eagerly picked up, a message written and one retrieved from the jar. Some share their message with me. For the most part people read it, smile, then tuck the note into their pocket. The content of which will forever remain a mystery to me. A message from one stranger to another. 

The jar is currently on an inconspicuous bench in my shop. I am amazed at how many people find it. It is not in sight of my counter, but during the day I regularly hear the glass lid clink. This makes me smile.   

I have never censored the messages, or given people instructions on what to write or what not to write. People can write whatever they choose. Amazingly, almost all the messages exude positivity (at least the ones I have seen). Once at a market, a customer got a note (in barely legible child's handwriting), that said something about poo. Hey that is one in hundreds, possibly thousands of messages. You might get the odd message with a name,  town or age written on it but generally messages are silent as to the author.    

Today was rainy and cold, my shop was quiet. It was an indoor daydreamy kind of day. So I sat down and opened the jar. This my dear Steemers is what I found.  


Until next time, 

xx Isabella 

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