The Plight of the "Know-It-All"


Weekend Musings #1

I enjoy pondering the oddities of life. One such oddity is the Know-It-All type of person. These people are some of the most hated in life and yet being a Know-It-All is not something one finds themselve being by accident. To become a Know-It-All is hard work, and an objective that is not achieved aimlessly.

When someone (let's call him/her Know-Something) uses this pejorative term in a verbal attack on the Know-It-All's character I find it perplexing that the Know-It-All takes offense and the Know-Something believes they have successfully attacked. After all, has not Know-Something just recognized the Know-It-All's great strides in life to become a Know-It-All?

'No one', may 'like a Know-It-All' but I find that to be a Know-It-All is indeed a great accomplishment. Although the Know-Somethings are hinting that you do not know everything and that you think you do, on the road to taking their jab at your ego, in actuality, they have acknowledged your achievements in knowing quite a lot. So continue to allow the Know-Somethings to point out that you do not know it all, because when they do it can remind you that they are aware that you are putting your best foot forward to know everything.

In fact, by calling you a Know-It-All while suggesting that you do not know everything, they are helping you to realize that you have not yet achieved your objective to know everything. Do not grow depressed, no, but persevere in your grand quest to truly become a Know-It-All.

So the next time a Know-Something calls you a Know-It-All, lower your head, speak humbly and say, "Thank you for calling me a Know-It-All, but truly, I am only a Know-A-Lot. I strive to be a Know-It-All one day, but its a journey that takes a lifetime."

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