5 success lessons that nature gives us

1. First of success lessons can we learn from the woodpecker. Yes, the woodpecker! It is called "lesson realistic focus."

Woodpecker much smarter than us. Yes, he beat his head against the tree, but he does it very well. It is realistic - it does not attempt to split wood in half with a single blow, as it wants to make a lot of us, and it is focused - he is not knocking on the tree from all sides. He has focussed in the same point, slowly moving your worm. What we need is not a worm, but immediately snakes and find it, we do not want in a dense tree, but only sprinkled with leaves on the ground, and let it crawl itself, and would like a magic pill.

2. The second lesson of the success can be learned from the fish. It's called "flow lesson."

Fish are always swimming against the tide, and contrary to the general opinion is correct. It does not to complicate your life, and to miss more water by itself. So past her into the stream of water swims more food and oxygen. So her life is several times richer. We, in contrast to the fish, always try to go with the flow in the stagnant flow, and as a result, instead of 40 years of experience we have acquired a one-year experience 40 times. We do not want to leave the comfort zone and then wonder why life was so little opportunity. We want to win the lottery of life, not even buying a lottery ticket.

3. The third lesson of success can be learned in small cubs. Following the success of a lesson is called - "blot the face with blood."

They know how to learn. They learn from the older more experienced Lions. And they do not learn from textbooks and talk, but in deed. They know for sure - you need to learn how to hunt dirty face blood. We are afraid to mess even hands. We sit down at a desk and looking at standing at the blackboard dressed rabbit, which teaches us to hunt. Or even worse, close by the house and learn to ourselves, and when it comes to hunting time, we are not what we are not able to hunt, we are afraid of the smell of blood.

4. The fourth success lesson we can learn from dogs. It is a social and called "wag the tail first."

In the 21st century, it does not matter what you do, but it is important to you motiviruesh others. And a perfect example is the dog. The dog does not think: "First you bring me home, feed and wash, and then I'll wag its tail." The dog first gives his feelings and only then receives a return for what she needs. However, it does not force you to give her anything, it makes it so that you do want to do it.

5. The fifth lesson of success, we must teach the snake. The lesson is called "do not whine."

She does not think: "I have no hands, no feet, I have poor eyesight, I was not born in the country, nobody loves me, my parents took care of me from the moment I was hatched." Snake manages what it has, and we are even afraid of "a disabled animal." And if it's not like something, it just changes the skin and crawls on without regrets.

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