Why can't I get what I want? The reasons you may be failing in your life's desires Part 2

Why can't I get what I want? The reasons you may be failing in your life's desires Part 2

setting goals

If I was asked to give you a single piece of advice that would propel your life forward as time possible that I would say this "write down your goals, make plans to achieve them, and work on your plans every single day"

The problem is that less than 3% of people take time to write down their goals, and fewer still make plans for their accoplishment. You need to realize that goalsetting is not some "pie in the sky" concept. It has been statistically proven that people take time to write down their goals, tare significantly more likely to design the life they want to live.

In 1979 the graduates of the MBA program at Harvard asked "have you set a clear, written goals for your future and make plans to accomplish them?" It turned out that only 3% of the graduates and goals and plans. 13% had goals but they are not in writing. Fully 84% had no goals whatsoever.

Fast forward 10 years to 1989 in the same graduates were interviewed to assess the results in the intervening years. It was discovered that 13% had goals that were not in writing were earning on average twice as much is the 84% no goals yet the 3% a clear written goals were earning 10 times more than the other 97% altogether. Effectively, this means that you've a choice. Create clear written goals with plans for an accomplishment and earn 10 times more in the future, or don't set any goals and earned 10 times less. I like the way Brian Tracy put what he said "if you do not have goals for yourself, you're doomed forever to work to achieve the goals of someone else".

Allow me me to illustrate the purpose of goal setting in this simple analogy. If you nwere building a new house would you arrive on site, lay bricksn a haphazard confiduration until you have something that resembled a house and happily live in that house for the rest of your days?

Of course you wouldn't. You's spend a great deal of time is not like. You'd a lot of time thinking about the house you would like to live in. Probably go online and research all different types of houses. No doubt you would draw on your experience and copy features of some houses that you admire. Then get an architect to draw up a blueprint, a project manager to manage the project in a professional team of builders to turn the blueprintinto a reality.

Yet why don't you take the same attitude with your life? If you're not going to think ahead across the full spectrum of lifectivities, then you are not going to be able to see which would like to conceive waht will appear in your life. If you don't even know what you want, then how can you ever achieve it. Setting goals is no different than creating a blueprint for your house. In fact, is far more important because setting goals designing a blueprint for your entire life.

If you play any sport that at least you're already a primitive goal setter. Every sport is based on "goal attainment". If it took away the goalpost of the NY hope you what purpose would it be to play the game? If you want golf course and that no holes dug into the greens and what purpose would it be to teeing off? Yet 90% of the population plays the game of life with no fixed purpose. Their football fields have no goalpost and their golf greens have no targets targets.

There lies the core problem. 97% of individuals set themselves up for failure because they're playing the game of life with no targets, no strategy, no awareness, and no idea what they should or could be doing.

What you need to realize is that you become what you think about most of the time. Worlds reflection of your inner world. If you don't have fixed targets then desired results will never materialize in your life. The most successful people in society their thoughts, feelings and conversations fix on things they want. Yet everyone else talks about things they don't want can't figure out why it keeps showing up.

You are a psycho-cybernetic being. Your brain must have a target for it to work efficiently and it needs something specific to work towards. If you don't feed a target so different from a boat trip on the ocean without a runner. It will be tossed about the waves until it eventually crashes on the rocks.

Not only is goal setting important to your success, but it is essential to your happiness. FEarl Nightengale once postulated "happiness is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal, or goal". In that context you can't be happy uless you are progressing to the attainment of a goal that really matters to you. This ties in perfectly with the last lesson in life purpose for sure working on the goals that grow in your life purpose you'll always have feelings of discontent. Conversely if you set goals aligned with your life's purpose and work toward their attainment then you'll power forward with a sense of vigor, drive, commitmentand happpiness.

In order to set and achieve the following goals following steps:

Carve your life into the 7 core goal areas: Health & Leisure Goals, Finance & Wealth Building Goals, Business & Work Goals, Family & Relationship Goals, Personal Growth Goals, Contribution & Legacy Goals, and Luxury & Bucket List Goals. These categories are self-explanatory

In order to remove any ambiguity on the less obvious categories allow me to explain them here. Personal growth refers to anything that advances you as a person. It might it might be learn a new language, development a new skill read more books. Luxury & Bucket List Goals refers to all luxury items and exciting these you do before you die. Contribution & Legacy Goals refer to any contribution you like to make society and the world at large. It might be donating your time ay a homeless shelter, fundraising for various charities planting trees in your local park.

Under each of these core categories you list your goals descending order of priority. Use a positive, personal and present tense. For example I earn, I drive, I weigh it's imperative you set the goals of his ways were met most readily accept by your subconscious mind.

You have set a clearly defined deadline because goal without a deadline lacks substance in the sense of urgency. The deadline acts forcing mechanism to pressure to completing these in a reasonable time frame. Anything you can do add a additional social pressure also will help you. For example, tell your significant other about the goal and its deadline usually works as a family meal/trip executable only if the goal is to obtain on time.

Once you have created each goal in each of the aforementioned life categories, you can now needs set list of each goal the "to do items" in descending order of priority. These refer to every action you have to take move your goal from concept to reality. Priority weighing is the key here because you need to work each task through to completion, commencing with the most important task.

Once you have created the "to do lists" for each goal, you next need to decide on the time zone which to focus on each goal category. Example 9 AM to 5 PM would be your Business & Work Goals. This means that you commit for essentially on your highest payoff as to this category within these times.

Conversely Saturday 9 AM to 6 PM beside the decided dedicated to Help & Leisure Activities. It's imperative that you plotted "to do lists" on a daily/weekly time basis in order to make the "to do list" actionable side for time zones. This is such an important step because the it makes "to do" item "must do" items.

Final step in the process to commit to task completion. The most important items within the relevant time zones every day of the week. Do what you should do, when should you should do it, whether you feel like it or not. Do this I promise that you like and measurable ways.

In order to save time and mitigate your learning occurs this is the shortest possible murder of the effect goalsetting process. If you commit the setting goals and working toward their attainment in this way you can position yourself in the top 3% of the people worldwide.

You accomplish more in one year than most people accomplish in 10 years. In effect, you will have stepped on the gas and moved your life into the fast lane. You'll start bearing down your targets like a heat seeking missile in every area of your life.

Close out today's lesson will leave you with a pertinent quote from Albert Einstein. He once said "if you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things". Please take the time to share this on Steemit and look for the next lesson.

Everyone needs to set achieve goals to reach the their potential, your present family reside in the 90% that are opining on spinning their wheels. Give them the gift of this lesson and you give them the opportunity to join top of the most successful people sign.

Courtesy of MAO Flynn

Written with StackEdit.

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