Not doing what you want? There's a reason for discontent and depression about lack of success Part 1.

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I think the greatest travesty of our time separately everyone is ignorant of the fact very existence is no mistake. Each and every person born into this world has a purpose.

The problem is they like the awareness to leverage that purpose, and as a result, there will. They don't realize that introspection is the epi-center of their being. Their purpose is the heartbeat of their soul.

99% of the population to spot their calling. They react to everything that happens your external environment. They go to school, to go to college, to go to workand they let that work set constraints on what they do or have.

Most of the work is simply a case of "I owe, I owe, so off to work I go",. But the problem is you can't escape prison if you do not know your are in one. If you do not leap out of bed every morning with energy, enthuusiasm and excitement that it's safe to say you're not living your life purpose.

The fact I like the way Earl Nightengale put it when he said "most people tiptoe by hoping to make it safely to death". What you need to realize is that life is not a dress rehearsal. As far as we know you only ever get one shot at. That Doesn't make sense to go after whatever you want.

IN fact, IF you ARE really honest with yourself., Admit that you're NOT going after what you really want – you are going after what you think you can get. The truth is most people aren't even aware of the existence of these facts, along the difference.

Furthermore we work we always act consistently with our self. If your self-image is compressed under the weight of your current circumstances and you won't have the confidence to what you really want.

If you are going after what you think you can get. then your life is doomed to live withing the constraints of your thoughts. If you adopt this pespective then you are letting your current circumsatnces set a ceiling on your future.

You need to realize that you'll never reach a maximum potential if you deny the existence of your life purpose. The reason why people feel like their lives are devoid of meaning, why they battle depression and discontent is the fact they have denied their life's purpose.

We all have unique skills, talents and abilities. Life purpose at the intersection between what you love to do, and what you're really good at doing.

You instinctively know what you look into. If not they consider what is the one thing you would do all day, every day and never get tired of doing? If you won the lottery this morning what one thing would you look to all day,every day?

People often struggle is pinpointing a unique gift or talent. The best way to skip his retrospective examination of your life thus far.What were you really good at? What did people tell you you were really good at?

Which activities you engage in the greatest happiness and achievement? It might be presenting, writing, playing a sport, arts, crafts. A particular hobby, helping other people, building a business, socializing with other people.

You really need to think long and hard about these things. As Henry Ford said "thinking is the hardest work there is and that's why so few people engage in it".

The problem measure thoughts create your future. Everything originates as a thought before it become a thing. If you are neglecting to think about what you really want to do, then you will never do it. You will continue to react external environment and drift along the "choppy waters" of life. As Brian Tracy famously stated "if you do not have goals for yourself, then you are doomed to work forever to achieve the goals of others".

Sure take the time to ponder over the question "what do you love to do?". When you have pinpointedg what you love to do, along with other areas within you is simply talented, then you need to ask yourself how can I merge both of these activities into fulfilling life's purpose?

You need to pick up on the little clues that keep you in a particular direction. It might be a gut feeling you have the you should be pursuing a particular goal or activity. Might be something we generally hear from other people pertaininf to a unique unique talent.

Might be the chance remark that you just happened to tune into a conversation between two third parties. You getting these litttle nudges from the universe, you need to become aware of this and act in your instinct.

You need to develop the realization of something that excites you, then you would want to pursue it. If you are motivated then you will take it all away to fruition.

As Wayne Darwin stated "having an interest in something is the clue to a thought that is connected to our calling: – that thought is the vibration of energy in this vast universe". Anything that's causing excitement on the inside, seeking expression on the outside. This can only manifested if you give the energy and concentration it needs to grow.

You need to realize this longing will never go away. It will forever pervade your thoughts and beckon you to bring it forth from a formless substance. To ignore this "longing" is to ignore your destiny. You never feel content until you take a leap of faith trusting an inner voice that is guiding you down predetermined Paths.

If you hate your current job, then you need to extract from that misery. How you feel is a direct indication of what you are thinking. You wil;l never excel if you spend you life working at a job you hate.

You need to find a way to turn your life purpose into a profession. Our thoughts about who we are, what excites us, what we feel called to be and do are all divinely inspired and come with whatever guidance and assistance will need to actualize these goals.

In order to focus your attention consider this fact. Number one regret expressed by people you is REGRET for not doing that which they realize they really wanted to do.

In that context I do not skip over this lesson without making a firm commitment to pursue the life you were destined to live. Do not get to the end of your life or regret doing that which should be doing.

You seldom regret doing things: regret is most often associated with not doing something you know you should've the. Put differently, you only regret the chances you didn't think, relationships you were afraid to have, and the decisions you waited too long to make.

So consider the facts in today's lesson. Take the time now to identify a life purpose that is congruent with what you really want. I'll leave you with this quote, because of that really sums up the essence of today's lesson.

Pablo Picasso said "the meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away".

Look for the next lesson

Courtesy of MAO Flynn

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